Dancing With (Well, Under) the Stars

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Boys suck.

I'm not sure what it is, but every guy I've met has always been a jerk. Maybe there's something in their DNA that makes them natural douches.

Either way, they suck.

Take Adam Jones as an example. He spends his time hitting on girls and taking steroids. Gross, I know. And the worst part is that he had to decide that I'd be the "lucky" girl that he'd have as his girlfriend.

Over my dead body.

They come in wimpy sizes, too. Charlie Moore was a shrimpy boy with a metal-mouth and so many pimples that from far away it looked like a bad reaction to a sunburn. Him being president of ASB and the drama club practically signed us off as us being polar opposites. And yet, every time we talked, he always tried to flirt with me. Even grosser.

That's why I found going to the "Under the Stars" dance a waste of a Friday night. It's known to be the most popular dance at our school because most relationships form during the "Moonlight Song." That's when all lights turned off and people got to dance with whoever they wanted under the moonlight. You might be dancing with your husband-to-be.

I call BS.

As a senior, I knew that it happened. But it was as rare as finding a two-headed lizard. I went for Ashlynn, though. She always got turned down, but my best friend went to every dance to find someone anyway. She's committed, I have to give her that.

"H-hey Ellie." To no surprise, Charlie was manning the entrance. I forced a smile, paid, and then led Ashlynn into a corner.

We snacked, laughed, and talked over the terrible music. When any guy tried to approach, I shot a death glare and they ran away. Wimps.

The lights went down and the music slowed. I went to grab Ashlynn as I always did. She pulled me in first, holding me closer than she ever had. We danced in silence like we always did, but this time, it was awkward between us. As if we were strangers instead of best friends.

The music changed as the lights turned back on. Ashlynn flushed, not letting go of my shoulders. She stared at me. Her eyes were full of embarrassment and something I couldn't identify at first. Then I noticed that it was the way she had looked at all the guys.

"B-but," I stammered.

"I've never gone to the dances for the boys," she whispered. My eyes widened. Instead of looking at guys, could she have been staring at...

Why didn't she tell me?

"Hey, look at the lesbians!" Adam laughed.

Glaring, I tangled my hand in Ashlynn's. I flashed Adam my favorite finger as we walked out.

We've been married for seven years now. I couldn't be as happy as I am with her than with any guy. So, just know: boys suck, but that's why there are girls.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2018 ⏰

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