Chapter 2

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So hey, I found myself with a bloody nose. I mean it's not the worst thing to happen. At least I was conscious enough to walk down the hallway and find the nurse's office. And by that I mean all I remember is getting into the school tripping over myself on to someone and being partially carried to the nurse.
And of course knowing my luck she wasn't even there. However at least the person I found myself tripping over knew basic first aid-ish?
When I finally regained full consciousness I was sitting upright in the nurse's bed. And over at my side was the guy, I assumed helped me.

"Hey, perfect timing the assembly is about to start."
I didn't say anything back because I was still trying to figure out how I hit the pole so hard that all this happened.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"What happened? You we're in pretty bad shape when I brought you up here."
"Oh well... funny story. I actually ran into a pole."
"Welp, I guess we should be getting to that assembly than."
I could tell he was holding back his laughter. I suppose I would be too if it weren't me in this situation.

"So, what's your name?"
"It's Mindy. And yours?"

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