It has begun

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//Even a well-lit place can hide salvation
A map to a one-man maze that never sees the sun
Where the lost are the heroes
And the thieves are left to drown
But everyone knows by now
Fairy tales are not found
They're written in the walls//

Lily sighed as she wandered through the back alleys of the large and powerful town, passing by all the drunken fools and the homeless Wanderers that hid from the town guards. She shook her head softly as she watched one man quickly scurry away from the alleys end to hide from a passing guard patrol. Lily scanned the walls of the alleys, finding many strange carving that she read several times before making her decision.

//As we walk in a straight line
Down in the dirt with a landslide approaching
But nothing could ever stop us
From stealing our own place in the sun
We will face the odds against us
And run into the fear we run from//

Lily turned heel and bolted from the alley, catching up to the passing guard and slogging him in the face with a punch so strong it sent him flying across the marketplace, causing the townsfolk to gather what they could and scatter from the soon to be fight. Lily smirked as she shook out her hand, taking a firm stance she stared the heavily armed male down as he picked himself up, drawing his longsword. Lily beckoned the man forward as many other guards rushed into the marketplace.

//It has begun//

The guard cocked his head in a mute chuckle as he raced towards Lily, sword swung. Lily simply smirked and put her hands together, letting her bracers catch and harmlessly deflect the guards sword.

//Into the dark below
Evading shadows
Blind in a rabbit's hole
We fall beneath the earth
And watch the shell come unraveled
As the seed begins to rise
Embracing its starlit fate as we wait in the night
It's written in the walls//

The guard was caught off guard as Lily disarmed him and tossed the sword back into the alley by a homeless man. 'When I grow up I'm going to free us from living in these alleys! Just you watch!' The man remembered the words the young girl had spoken all those years ago, words he thought were mere dreams of a stubborn silver haired child. Shakily, the man lifted the longsword, ready to help Lily, the child he knew so long ago.

//As we walk in a straight line
Down in the dirt with a landslide approaching
But nothing could ever stop us
From stealing our own place in the sun
We will face the odds against us
And run into the fear we run from//

Lily's hair trailed like a river of silver behind her as she grappled the guard and threw him into the rest of the guards that had charged at her, knocking at least three of them over. She whipped around at the sound of metal clashing on metal, happy to see the homeless man helping her in her fight, his own silver hair barely visible beneath his darkened hood. Lily looked back and noticed the guard captain in the distance approaching, she quickly got to work disarming guards and arming the alley dwellers.

//It has begun //

Guards were quickly overpowered and defeated by the simple alley dwellers leaving Lily and the guard captain standing face to face.

//It has begun //

The guard captain drew his sword as Lily shifted to a light stance, fists ready.

//It has begun //

The guard captain threw his sword to the ground at Lily's feet, confusing her greatly. "Enough blood has been spilt this day, speak your terms" the guard captain spoke as Lily smiled triumphantly

//It has begun //

"For all of us to get off the streets and out of this forced poverty" Lily proclaimed proudly. The alley dwellers cheering their agreements. The guard captain sighed and nodded, "done."

//It has begun//

Lily and the others cheered, the silver haired man watching on from a distance, "you're more like your mother everyday Lily, for us it has finally began" he smiled to the perfect blue sky.

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