Another universe where almost all Heroes are long gone, where most humans and mutants get along one last shread of evil remains. She is the copy of the worlds srongest avenger, The Hulk. A young girl has a been cursed with Infinite rage, can she con...
The Battle between the two she hulks rages on with helga gainng ground over bailey. Bailey counters helga's attack and throws her into a tree. Rage takes helga's mind so she grabs a tree thows it directly into bailey's face.
Bailey rises from the ground trying her best to control her overflowing rage inside. "I will give you a chance... Surrender" Helga replies with a 🖕. Bailey smiles "don't say I did'nt warn you." She rushes toward helga, kicks her into the air, grabs her ankles throws her in the ground. Bailey pins her and makes helga's body a punching bag, and keeps going until her knuckles bleed. She stops and helga ask her in an insane tone "Is That All You Got!?"
Helga grabs Bailey neck tight and gets off the ground. She holds bailey in the air chokeing the life out of her then rears back and hits her with a devastating upper-cut to her stomach. Bailey drops to the ground in pure agony, gagging and coughing alot of blood. Helga looms over her and meets the back of her head with a boulder.
(Radio's POV) The police broke in took us to the hospital, and half of us where beaten to a paste, others... not so lucky.
Radio sleeps in the hospital bed with right arm, legs shattered and a bad concussion. He wakes up listening to sounds of pain and agony. He connects to Bailey's mind and tells her "B-bailey if you c-can h-here it, loose control, beat her down! And drag her back to Professor X" And he falls back to sleep.
(Back to the fight) Bailey kicks helga in the face knocking her to the ground then jumps into the air and lands on her face. Helga croch shoots bailey, grabs her hair flips her off (Not the finger) and throws her to the ground. Helga pins bailey while shes down and beats her into the ground. Bailey's body brutaly beaten trys to hit helga, but she catches it and stomps on her face.
Helga grabs Bailey hair holds her to the sky "HELGA STRONGEST THERE IS!!!"
Helga brings bailey's beaten body to her face and she andmires her work.
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"You never where going to beat me. I have more power then you ever had!" Bailey feels herself sliping away into her anger. Memories of her and bruce flow into inside. Bailey's rage overtakes her mind and body.Her body burns and pulses with gamma energy, Helga drops bailey with burns on her arm. "GGGRRRRRRAAAAAAAAHH HELGA!!!" She Roars into the sky, and directs her attention to the red she demon.
Helga backs off holding her arm. "This is you real strenth huh? Guess I-""SMASH!!" she runs Full speed toward helga toward punching her dead in the face into a mountain.
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She leaps toward the crater in the mountain and sees her rival in her normal state, knocked out in a pile of rubble. Bailey returns back to human state. "I'm the strongest one there is now daddy..." then passes out.