Chapter 1

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( Miyuki's PoV )

Where am I?.. What is this white thing? The first thing I know is that I was standing in the middle of nowhere. I looked down at the ground. I realize is pure white. Is it ice? I try to grab it. Instead, it melts when I touch it.

"Snow?" I said that word out of the blue. I can't remember what happened to me.

I continued walking. I don't know which or where should I go. I just let my feet carry me away.

"Are you okay?" I heard a voice from behind me. I turned around. There, stood a very kind-looking man with a worried expression on his face.

He has mid-dirty blonde hair. I just stood there. Staring at the kind man. He might be a stranger but I can feel he has a kind heart.

"Oh, dear... Where are your parents? Are you hurt?" Quickly he knees down in front of me. Checking if I hurt anywhere. I just shake my head slowly.

"What's your name? My name is Kaien Cross" He asked and introduced himself. I stood there silently. He sigh and stood up again. He extended his hand. I looked at him.

"Come now. I take you to my place and get you warm up. Is dangerous here. I promise I won't hurt you." He said gently with a very kind smile. I accept and hold his hand unexpectedly. Not knowing why.

He holds my hand tightly. Doesn't want to let go of me until we reach a safer place.

As we arrive. I saw a big house. It is surrounded by big buildings. Schools perhaps? But this house looks comfortable and safe. We walked into the house. He takes me inside his living room and makes me sit on his sofa.

"Stay here. I'll go and make some hot chocolate for you." He said with a smile and headed to the kitchen. Not for long, he came back with two mugs on the trail. I looked at him. He's already tied up his hair and now wearing glasses.

I did not bother to ask him why so I just keep quiet and drink my hot chocolate. He sits on another sofa across from me while holding his mug. I can't tell if he has a lot of questions in his head.

He was about to open his mouth to say the word but got interrupted by the sound of knocking on the front door. "Coming! Excuse me." He said and walked to the front door.

"Kaname! What brings you here?!" I heard. I didn't get to hear much and the conversation takes about 5 minutes. Kaien came back into the living with a little girl this time.

She has brown hair and reddish eyes. So cute. "I hope you can stay here with us. She also will be staying here. I will take care of both of you. Even if you don't remember anything. Oh, this is Yuuki. Hope you take care of each other." He said. I don't mind staying here. It feels like home.

I nodded my head and smiled. "Thank you Kaien-sama... My name is Miyuki.." I said softly, standing up from the sofa and bowing deeply. "Please take care of me.." Kaien was shocked.

Suddenly Kaien hugged me in his arms tightly. It is not a weird hug but a warm hug. It was like a welcoming hug... "OMG! You can talk! And what a lovely name! It suits you! And please call me Otou-san!" He said making a funny crying face. I giggle and nodded my head.

"Otou-san.." I said and he smiles happily. He let go of me and lead Yuki to me. I looked at her. She is so cute. Oh, I can't help to pull and hug her. And I did. Kaien's eyes are wide but slowly show his brighter eyes of happiness.

I didn't expect Yuuki to hug me back. But I'm happy. She looked up at me. Give me her warm smile.

"Hello, Yuuki... From now on... I will be like you big sister... Don't worry... I will take good care of you.."

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