The Queen (A Selection Fanfiction) Ch. 2

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Chapter 2

The Real Begining

Maxon's POV

It's been 8 months since that's one night when we sat if the bed and talked. I learned that MY America was pregnant and I was going to be a father. What a Christmas gift... It's August and Americas still carrying a piece of our love. I chose not to know what gender, we're going to find out after the birth.

America's been having nightmares. She wakes up hot and sweaty and tells me that the baby was dying or she died or during the report she was ready. I try to comfort her as best I can, but I have those nightmares too.

America's POV

I am sick of carrying a child. It's like lugging a 5,000,000,000,000,000 pound weight on your stomach. It's like a single small pice of mine and Maxon's love is sucking every piece of brain from me and keeping it. I'm so done. It's September 24th, a day after the due date but it won't be much longer. Maxon won't let me leave the bedroom unattended. Then I know, for sure, this is it. I tell my guard to fetch Maxon.

When Maxon arrives he's sweating and panting. I look him in the eyes and say "yes" and he understands. My whole family is called to the palace and I'm rushed away on a stretcher to be taken to the hospital wing. I wait forever in that wing. I get up and walk a little with Maxon, I wait and wait and wait. I kiss Maxon and head back to the room where my child will be born.

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