Dear Ana,
You are my new mother!
You created me
This sick twisted version of myself,
Ribs sticking out,
Hips and elbows sharp
You starved me
You carved me
Into this animal
This ferocious thing
That doesn't live but doesn't die
You hold me right on the brink of my inevitable death
In this everlasting misery
Turned everyone against me
Even my own mind
My soul kills me from within
Taking all it wants from me and leaving little behind
You, Ana, are a murderer
You should go to jail for all you have killed
But alas, that is impossible
For you, Ana, didn't kill those people
Not in others' eyes
They killed themselves
Little do the others know that you drove them to it!
Your constant criticism
"Be thinner! Thinner is better! And you can always be better! So you can always be thinner!'
How thin are you, Ana?
I imagine you are fat with the sold souls of your victims
Well I won't give you my soul
It is mine to keep
Cherish forever
Let this be a message to all your future victims:
Ana does not control you
Nobody does
You are a free spirit
And you decide what happens in your life
Not Ana, or anybody else
Go, broken bird
And be free
Take back what Ana took from you
And if you see her taking anything from others,
You fight her for it
Claw, bite, scratch, kick
And take back what doesn't belong to her
Former Broken Bird
<3 <3 <3