The Beginning

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Starting my junior year, I was placed in an extra class that was all freshman starting Culinary for the first time. I was taking what was called Directed Studies, but was apart of the class as well. I was above all the other students when it came to experience, so I tended to do baking projects, and focus on other class work.

Before I get ahead of myself my name is Angelica Smoke. I'm tall, with long brown wavy hair, and freckles. I'm on the paler side of the spectrum, and I'm a pretty average size.
I was one of the oldest in the class. I have been taking Culinary since I was a freshman. Now that I'm a junior, I have a three years of Culinary under my belt.
I should say I wasn't the only other junior, there was another, she was a friend of mine, Lindsay.
Lindsay and I have been taking these classes together for years now. She's been cooking since she was young, and honestly has more experience than myself. She's pale, blonde with dark framed glasses and pouty lips. She has a bigger frame, with a large bust, and she came with an easy going personality, that people always seemed to gravitate towards.
I guess you could say this all started with her.

It was getting closer to Christmas. Everyone had projects and exams soon to be due. I was talking and joking with some of the other students in my last period while I'm finishing up my project.
There was a senior that got placed in this class not very long ago. His name was Xavier. He wasn't talkative at first, but soon after he was the class clown and the freshman tended to follow him around. Let's say he can capture the attention of the room.
Xavier was tall, dark skinned with short kinky black hair. He had black framed glasses, with a scar on his left eye brow. He's a heavier set guy, and very charismatic. He made friends throughout the whole class easily, including Lindsay and I. Something I myself, now regret entirely.

What I thought was a normal, end of the day class period, didn't seem that way. People were walking around, being talkative. Ready for school to be done for the day. I was finishing up the bread dough I was asked to do, and anxious for class to end to see my boyfriend. Xavier was the only quiet one, which was surprising, and never alone it seemed. He was sitting by himself at the far right of the classroom, at a desk by the filing cabinets. His headphones were on and he was bobbing his head to whatever music he was listening to. I just finished wrapping up the dough, and I looked back over to Lindsay across the counter from me. I asked her, "What's was wrong with him?"

"He wants to be more than just a fling, but I don't really like him like that. I'm just not attracted to him". She said, giving a shrug. "Oh, that sucks. Well, I'm done here, I'm going to put this away and I guess I'll see if I can make him feel better". She nodded, and continued with her dough as I walked away.
The thing about Lindsay, she's never serious about anyone romantically. She occasionally has "boy friends", but they don't stick around. She had one boy she fell for, someone a while back that she still struggles to get over. She says she has flings to help get over him and that it's her way of coping.
I started walking my way over he still hadn't payed any attention to me. He looked focused, and upset. When I got to the table where he was, I pulled up a chair next to him, and sat down. He took off his head phones as sat down and he tried to smile, but he was still quiet. I didn't know what to do from this point so I decided to break the silence, "Hey, what's up? Why are you sitting all the way over here?"
He sat quietly for a moment, "Nothing, just listening to some music I made." I looked at him surprised, and smiled " Wow, that's awesome! Can I hear what you have so far?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2018 ⏰

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