kowa da Ranarsa

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Unguwar tayi shiru ba abinda kakeji sai kukan tsuntsaye dasuke rera abinsu cike da kwarewa da sabo ,haushin karnuka ke tasowa jefi jefi daga can nesa,'despite the fact that the night is still young 'but due to the weather condition Wanda ya kasance yanayi ne na tsananin hunturu yasanya almost all the occupants of that residential area to stay indoors where each and everyone of them thinks is the right place to find solace at this period of time,Idan ka dauke Amal  who was just driving into that area ,Amal was driving so gently ,slow and steady Amal parked her car in front of a house belonging to Mr Ishaya she calmly parked the car very close to the entrance of the main door leading to the house.
"Here we are'Mama' Amal utters with a warm smile on her face while trying to help mama by opening the passenger side door to which mama was calmly sitted on ,Mama Marry who's head was leaned on the sit slowly tried to lift herself from the car,which she did wit the help of Amal,"sannu mama " is what Amal is repeatedly saying while making her effort to knock on the access door,like a blink of an eye the handle turned and the door was wide open before she could even knock at it.
Joseph was standing by the door staring at them in a difficult situation clearly showing on his face,Amal gave him a quick glance indicating to him that she needs his assistance in taking mama his mum inside
"sannu aunty " Joseph said while bowing down with a sympatethic tone while reaching out to his mum,"sorry mum"Joseph told his mum,she answers by gently noddinng her head ,at this point Mama is comfortably sitted on her bed with the help of Amal  and her son joseph. "Mai ya farune aunty?he asked I came back home and mama was no where to be found ,off I went to malam haruna's kiosk to ask only for him to tell me that you and mama took off together after telling him that mama is sick and you are taking her to  the hospital ,i tried calling her phone and there it was buzzing inside her room , i was confused an d didn't  know what to do because i don't have your number ,luckily enough an idea came up so i searched mama's phone only to find out that your number was the last on her call history .
Joseph !!!  Amal said while laughing at the same time,how did you know that it was my number ? She added while staring at him with a beautiful smile on her face ." kai aunty" i just knew it was yours beacause  mama saved the number with  'Maman Fadil' so you see that was how i knew,but still to no avail because there was no any response from you either.
"I see " Amal said while she was trying to pick up her veil sorry I left the phone at home because  I had to rush hurriedly after receiving mama's call so I forgot the phone on The couch ,let me go home and see what is happening ,i have been out for a while ,she started walking towards the door ,and !!! She turned looking at mama and joseph ,allow mama to have some rest   because that is what she needs the most now,it's the doctors instruction  she concluded pointing her finger at joseph ,'i will thanks so much ones again we are grateful nakira layin mama najita tana ringing a daki, nayi kokari yanda zanyi inkiraki banida layinki anan dabara ta fadomin na duba wayar mama,last call din mama naga An rubuta maman fadil shine nagane kece kuma nayita kira kema baki dauka,sai a lokacin ta tuna Cewar a inda ta amsa wayar anan ta tashi ta barshi,lah kaga ai ban fitama da wayarba can na barta a gida, no wonder yace yana sake duban ta mungode aunty ,Allah saka da alheri ,Amal removed her veil and dropped it on the couch ,looking very tired ,she sat on the couch for some few minutes and then stood up ,she peeped into her son's room  who was already fast asleep together with her maid rukayya,'wow' she exclaimed "wannan sun isa gombe by now" look at fadil she said to her self,when is fadil going to grow up "ace yaro bazaiyi bacci ba sai a jikin mutane " just like cat and she was smiling to her self while entering the room ,she prayed for them and draw their soft and silky quilt to cover them up properly  ,after that she headed out and closed the door behind her,it was then she remembered her phone which she left in the house ,"oh God " she uttered while holding onto her forehead  ,I'm surely in  a deep mess today,by now I know my husband has been calling me since ,she rushed to the couch and the phone was not there ,where on earth could it be? She asked her self ,searching for he phone and there it was on the dining table "Alhamdulillah " was what she said after finding it,as she thought there were a number of calls she missed from her husband "yau da masifa" she said while redialing her husbands number ,full of anxiety she placed the phone on her left ear ,and calmly started to talk after her call was responded to at the other end ,"salam sweetheart " hello Alaikissalam" architect hydar responded ,why are you not responding to my  calls dear ?he continued .
I'm so very sorry Fadil's dad ,I was far away from the phone as at the time you called ,
Wasn't close to your phone,and where have you been ,I hope there is no any problem ? He asked .
I was at the hospital she calmly replied ,
What !! Hospital what for hope everything is well ?he asked  sounding very disturbed
Yes mama marry was very I'll so she called for my attention so I forgot the phone at home and took off
Mtswww!! Arch hydar hissed in a more angrier tone
What the hell is wrong with you?haven't I warned you to stay away from those people ,didn't I tell you to stop mingling in the affairs of those people? Are u dump or something ? I mean sweetheart how could you go out in this cold weather and by this time of the night only to come back and tell me that you took some one to the Hosp...what!! "Haba Amal" when will you learn ?
It's not someone Abban fadil ,it's our neighbour Mama ,how could you say that ? So I'm now even dump for rendering help "haba" it Hurts  my pride !
Sorry but I pray this will not down on you some day
It will not I'm sure
What ever !!deal with it,how is my boy and they continued to talk......
Arch hydar is a rigid,negative principled and uncompromising person when it comes to the issue oh his neighbours which according to his dictum are christians so he got less to do with them,same applies to Mr Ishaya who on the other hand also detest an dislike his neighbours for being muslims ,on the contrary their wives ,always live peacefully with each other according to them the reverse is the case ,they believe that there is nothing better than living in peace and not in pieces ,
Good morning sir ! Samuel greeted arch hydar who refused to respond as if there was no any living thing there,Sir im greeting sir ! He repeated ones again,
"Aha" arch hydar responded carelessly what can i do for you?he said concentrating on his phones screen
Nothing i was just passing by and decided to say hi!
Really?ok hello are u satisfied ?
Yes i am thank you and he headed back to their house.
Whag rubbish ?just disturbing some one with greetings ,this boy so like greetings "haba" arch hydar kept murmuring to himself.
Marry ! Marry how many times have I called you?where are you going to? Mama stood without uttering a word,I 'm asking where you are going to,
I ..that boy fadil have been crying for a while now,
So I want to go and find out what the problem is
Okkk! Mother marry u may go ,he said pointing at the door
Innocently she started walking to the door with the intention of going out,
Will come back here! Mr ishaya shouted at her ,oh! So your common sense didn't tell you that I was mocking you when I said you should go?come on get back here! Wait what is so special about those people that u cared for so much? Or is it because I kept quit the other time you told me that that woman took you to the hospital ?rubbish !!!
Good morning Ma'am!
Morning Joseph how you Amal answers Joseph but looking at mama,After greetings she asked mama where they where going to at that time of the day,it was Monday morning and Amal drove out to take her son fadil to school,
We are going to church for morning service
By this time? But don't you think is too early mama,moreover the weather is not friendly ,you might easily catch cold and develop fever please
No my daughter there is no any problem we can go,
OK if you insist but let me drop you since we are going the same direction
Never mind aunty we can manage .
No I insist I will drop you ,let's hurry so that my son will not be late for school,and off they drove.

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