Introductions (Oh... the Shame!)

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"Tch. I suppose even an invention as useless as this one needs to be tested. Oh well."

"You, listen! I am am the greatest intellect that Elrios has ever known, Add and I'll have none of this Edward Grenore nonsense that you all have been going on about lately, it's Add Nothing more, nothing less. Kuh..."

"At any rate, my greatest invention, ever, the Dynamic Nasod Emulation and Combat System (also known as my Dynamo) has been upgraded to adapt and learn so that it can behave more closely to actual Nasods. However, this upgrade has lead to it creating something... less than... quality. Yugh."

Tch. Should I even showcase this abomination..? Er... no. It's Virtual Reality capabilities might prove useful for the future. Like fooling that El-brat into thinking he's found the ultimate sword when in fact, it's only a simulation! 


"Ahem. Behold. The Dynamo Shipping Scenario Generator (Or... DSS for short): a revolutionary virtual reality device that can create scenarios involving two (or more) people that, for whatever reason, only ends in romance."

Why Dynamo created something like this is beyond even my genius...

"Well, Dynamo's capacity for creating this scenarios are a bit limited. They can only simulate scenarios involving people in Elrios, at this time. Although... I'm sure I could program it to respond to some Original Characters from time to time, so long as fleshing them out doesn't take too much of Dynamo's energy."

"Hmph. Now here is where you come in. I'll be in need of some pairs for Dynamo's simulation and, honestly, I'd rather not pick people, myself. So just comment a pair or two and I'll have Dynamo simulate a situation, alright? And feel free to throw in some specifics like job class or location. Pushing the limits of my Dynamo's DSS system could lead to some... interesting results."

"I suppose I could just randomly enter two people like, say, Elesis and Raven, but where's the fun in that?"

Heh, although, the looks on their faces when they see these scenarios... nyehehehe priceless! Hm... perhaps that'll be my first entry for you all to see how well it works.

"Hmm, and Dynamo is capable of simulating with two (or more) males  or two (or more) females as well. Make no mistake, my Dynamo is not so weak that it would discriminate. Hmph. 

"Finally, I'll be sure to comment my thoughts on these scenarios from time to time. You should do the same as well. Even my immense genius needs others' advice to grow. Kyuhahahahaha!"

Dynamo's Shipping Scenario GeneratorWhere stories live. Discover now