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Well Jeredy still needed that essence from the city so he sent Jon, Sora, Beyal and Kite to get it. (I couldnt go >:P) They came back with the essence AND a few still living zombies.

"Oh Oh i wanna play with them!" Jocelyn jumped up and down in front of the cage of rooting corps's.

"Sure." Jeredy said.

"WHAT!" Everyone else yelled.

"Okay okay everyone leave." Jeredy shoved them out of he door.

*Like 8 hours later*

"Okay you can come back in now." Jeredy said opening the doors.

"So anything cool happen." Bren asked.

"Oh oh did one explode?" Dax asked over enthusastic.

"Pft no." Jocelyn smirked, "Well almost." She giggled.

"so what did you do?" Sora said gettig in their faces.

"Um i found somthing out." Jocelyn said.


"Well i can tap into their brains and um how do i say it?...Oh well like an SD card in a computer i can upload and download thinhg from two diffrent brains. Like i did earleir using Mr. Jon Ace." Jocelyn said waving a hand tworad Jon.

"Cool. Can you show us?" Bren asked.

"Ya sure one sec." She said placing a helmet on her head and typing stuff into a computer. "K: 3, 2, 1, Boom." With that her eyes glazed over and Jeredy made her sit down. Everyone gathred around her watching. Then they heard a buzzing noise.

"Shut it down." Jeredy yelled typing stuff. Soon Jocelyn was unhooked from the computer.

"Whats going on?" Jinja asked confused.

"That buzzing noise is the sound that means her head was being overloaded with to much info." Jeredy said picking the Yongest girl up and caring her to a room to rest,

*Few minutes later*

"Huh Sora-chan were are you?" Jocelyn mummbled as she sat up. Everyone ran to her bedside egaer to her what she now knew from the zombie.

"Right here Joci-chan." Sora said.

"O h good." The other girl sighed then she semmed to remember somthing. "Oh hay-- i uh saw um actully heard no i thought no not right i remembered no thats wrong i uh uh uh." Jocelyn said waving her arms like a bird in a trap.

"Just say it." Everyone said.

"BEYAL IS HER SON!!" Jocelyn yelled pointing at Beyal with an evil glare.

"Huh." Everyone said cocking there heads looking like complet morons.

"CHARLY BEAR!" She yelled agin but they just cocked their haed to the other side.

"HE. IS. THE. SON. OF. CHARLY. BEAR." She said pointing at Beyal with every word.

They just stood there for a minute the burst out laughing.

"What??" Jocelyn asked completlly confused.

"Reall Beyal the son of that THING thats the best ever." Kite laughed the hardest of them all.

"Its true." Jocelyn glared arms crossed.

"How do you know that anyway?" Chase asked.

"Well the zombie was like Charly bears maid when it was alive. She helped Charly with lots of things like bringing her food and keeping her room clean ect. ect." Jocelyn explained.

and then there was one (monsuno fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now