He was beautiful

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All Lucifer has ever wanted was to be loved by his father, to be accepted by his brothers.

God never let him have this satisfaction, or from all that Lucifer could remember of his time with his father he hadn't. He was alone in thought and in his feelings towards all of creation. He cared for his brothers and for his Father, but when his father said that his new creation was even better than he was Lucifer could not stand it. Why did something that was barely anything get more approval than his father's second ever son, his father's second creation.
When God told his son that he must love this new race Lucifer couldn't bring himself to. He pleaded to his father, telling him that he will not worship anything that is flawed and that his father was all that he cared about. God would not accept that his son thought differently than him and so asked Lucifer's only oldest brother to cast him down. Cast him away so that his newest creation could be safe from his favorite son.
Lucifer spent too long in the cage, but he never grew very bitter about his father's choice. No Lucifer still cared about his dad. Unknow to Lucifer, God one day decided to make two brothers two just like his oldest sons. Dean, the older, always did as his father asked. H would move Heaven and Hell to please him. Sam, the younger, was just like him. God made Sam special for no reason other than to apologize to his son. God knows Lucifer is not inherently evil, he just disobeyed because he thought he was doing right by God.
When Lucifer first met Sam he was taken aback. His father had created a person that was not only beautiful, but also just for him. He could see straight into his soul and found the smallest amount of his own grace mixed into it. He could not contain his smile. Sam however was frightened when he saw his mirror. Lucifer looked like pure evil smiling in front of him. He called to his brother.
"Dean, you gotta get in here." When Lucifer first saw Dean he almost fell back into the cage. He saw his brother almost completely standing in front of him. He wanted to hug the boy, he wanted to hug his brother. He knew, however, that he could not hug this man, and that he was not his brother. He knew over time that he would want to befriend these boys, but he knew that with his reputation, he could not convince these boys of friendship.
When Sam first met Lucifer he was not scared. He was amused by who this angel was. He called to Dean out of instinct and when Lucifer saw Dean his eyes became glossy. This alarmed Sam, as the angel before him was supposed to be the prince of darkness not an angel bordlining as human. Outwardly, Sam made no face to show the devil his thoughts. He wished he had though when all was said and done.
The next time Lucifer was alone with Sam, he tried to get his approval. This was his way of attempting to forgive himself of all that he had done. Sam had said yes, but that was not enough for him, Lucifer wanted to know for sure that this is what he wanted. He had to know for sure that he could forgive himself. He made Sam say Yes three times before finally accepting the answer. He could forgive himself.
When Lucifer first possessed his true vessel, he seeked out his host in the place Sam had conjured up to play passenger to. He was nowhere to be found and inside that vessel Lucifer fell to his knees and outwardly begged for Sam to face him. It took hours before Sam finally came out and confront him. He was surprised to find Lucifer the way he did, broken and in tears on the floor. When he went to comfort the angel Lucifer said,
"I just wish I could forgive myself for all that I have done." Sam looked at him as if seeing him for the first time. He saw Lucifer for what he truly was and when he did he was saddened but what he had thought of the angel. Sam had believed what was said about him, that he was the creator of all evil, and that he would be the one to destroy all of creation. No, now he saw Lucifer for who he truly was, an angel begging for his father's approval. Sam knew this pain all too well and he hugged Lucifer.
At the feeling of caring contact Lucifer froze. He had not felt anything like it for many years. The last person that had showed him compassion was his youngest brother Gabriel. Sam didn't let go until Lucifer finally moved out of the man's arms. Finally he could forgive himself.
Between Lucifer's fun times out on the Earth, he would visit Sam. They had grown very fond of each other over the short time that they had been together. Same had confessed that he understood where Lucifer was coming from and even offered to let Lucifer use his soul when he needed it. This had jerked Lucifer the wrong way. Sam was, in his eyes, on of God's most perfect creations. The only thing since the planet itself that Lucifer really truly enjoyed.
Sam did not know what to think of the angel. He felt feelings that he had not felt in a long time. He knew that Lucifer could not feel that way back because he was an angel, and angels do not have the capacity for such feelings. Little did Sam know that Lucifer felt the sam way towards Sam.
This particular meeting between the two would end in a way that neither of them had even thought possible. When Lucifer went to leave Sam pulled him by the arm in for a hug, but instead gave hima kiss. It was a short brushing of their lips, but it was enough to set forth a chain of events that change both of them forever.

The two boys had been seeing each other more frequently. Lucifer has been doing his best to talk to Sam about how he was feeling, and about what he remembered of his past. Sam had been holding him more and feathering kissing along his angel's body every time he visited that boy. They were completely in love, even if it wasn't in real space.

Lucifer knew that tonight was to be  his last on this earth, He also knew that Sam had a plan that would let them be together forever, He decided that he would not tell his human that today would be that day he let Sam Winchester go. Inseld he went to Sam the night before and kissed him with need upon his lips. He needed to give a proper goodbye to the only man he had, and will ever love.

Sam knew that tomorrow was the day of the final showdown, he also knew that Lucifer believed that this would be their last night together. Sam was ready when he came, and went he kissed him Sam gave back the same amount of need.

Tomorrow they both might die, but tonight they would live

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