c h a p t e r : 8

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" You are the source of my joy, the center of my world and the whole of my heart."

Walking into the bookstore 'eat your words' I felt at home as I let my fingers dance across the spines of the books as I walked on by.

Library's, Coffee Shops and Parks are the only places I can decompress without being bothered by anyone that I know. It was a relaxing way of telling people to leave you the f alone.

The history section and the romance section saved my life as I walked in and started to grab as many books as I could.

Of course I wasn't going to buy them, I was just going to read the first chapter, the middle chapter and the last chapter to see what the books was about for free.

Finding a little table in the back I plopped the stack down and sighed in relief as I realized—that at this time of day—no one was here to judge me.

Picking up a book called 'Cellar' by some author I cracked it open and was relived when I saw that it actually had chapter numbers—silly obsessions, I know.

"Didn't peg you for a bookworm Harper Blue."

At the mention of my name I looked up and saw Jack Snow with his own—smaller than mine—stack of books.

I patted the seat next to me and he gladly sat down while setting his books near his feet on the floor. "Diddo." I mumbled as I grabbed a new book from my stack.

For some reasons even though I didn't want to be with anyone else right now it was comforting having Jack right next to me. Soothing almost.

He just chuckled and picked up his own book and began to read with an ever-standing smile adjourning his pretty face. He was quite handsome, I don't know if I've mention this but he is, sexy, god-like, made of Stone? If that's even possible.

I couldn't tear my eyes away from him and every so often when he'd look up I'd swivel my eyes downward towards my book that I haven't made a dent in yet.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." He said smirking as he finally met me eye to eye as he looked at me.

Huffing I asked. "Shouldn't you be with the team?" I said trying to change the subject

Smirking he answered—realizing what I was trying to do. "Nah, I wasn't hungry." He said as if it was an automatic reaction to the question. "Why didn't you go? Liam said he invited you."

I stiffened when he mentioned Liam, I had finally gotten my mind off of what happened in that dreaded hotel room and now he was invading my mind with his terrible kissing. God he was the worst kisser I have ever seen.

He definitely took notice when my body posture changed slightly even though I didn't want anyone to find out about it. "Did Liam do something to you?" He asked suddenly getting up and standing closer to me.

I stood up and gulped rather loudly as I rubbed my arms. "No. He just kissed me."

It wasn't like he abused me or anything but it violated my personal space and I was not happy about that at all. Liam didn't pull away either when I started to shove him away with my middle arms and that's what scared me most.

Jack just looked taken aback and he wore a stunned facial expression. "He likes you?" He asked more to himself than to me.

I nodded not knowing it he'd see it or not but still attempting to answer his stupid question anyway.

As if things couldn't get any worse Jack made an almost growling like noise and started to pace back and forth. He was worried for some odd reason and I had no idea why.

"Your going to dig yourself a hole." I said as I imagined the floor dipping underneath him and his steady paced walking.

He just glared at me through his now unruly hair and I laughed. "What's so funny? Do you like him back?"

That shut me up right away. "No."

"You guys shouldn't be staying in the same room than. It's wrong, he might try to shove himself onto you." He said as he inched closer to me, his expression still looking pained as he stared straight into my eyes.

I scrunched my eyebrows together and I stood up so that I didn't seem so short in my sitting position. "Jack it's not your job to worry about me. And besides, I'm sleeping on the couch." I said trying to ease his nerves.

He just stopped pacing and looked me. "Your sleeping in my room tonight—don't argue with me on this one." He reprimanded.

I scoffed. "No, You have a roommate anyway."

He took my hand in his and tugged me towards the exit of the library, leaving our un-bought books on the table behind us I didn't even try to fight him because it was getting late anyway.

Looking at my watch I saw what confirmed my suspicions. It read 8:01pm and I almost went to bed by just looking at the clock.

Once we where on the sidewalk he didn't let go of my hand—no complaints there—and responded to my statement. "He's hooking up with a girl that works at the hotel, we have the room to ourselves."

I blushed uncontrollably at the terrible thoughts running through my head as the possible events ran through my mind. I didn't like Liam, but I could see Jack as a good kisser.

Did I really just think that?

Who am I? The nearest groupie! Ugh.

He noticed my uncomfortable expression with a side glance and chuckled as we turned the corner and into the hotel lobby. "What? All of a sudden afraid of sleeping next to me. You seemed fine with it on the bus."

I growled, actually growled at him bringing up that humiliating event earlier. "I'm the one that's comfortable?" I asked, already knowing I was going to regret this later on. "Because you seem awfully comfortable holding my hand."

We had just turned the corner and made it to the hallway where my room and his room were located and he smirked at me.

He didn't retract like I thought he would and instead when we reached the bedroom door shoved me inside and snapped it shut with such speed that I didn't even see him do it. With the door shut I was in between him and the hotel room door, trapped with no where to go in the small hallway.

Well this took a turn.

A good turn.

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