Chapter One

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A/N Percy is a girl in this, but at times they will probably say "he" and "him" just because the other characters don't know yet.

Percia is not transgender in this.  If you want a trans Percy story, luckily for you, I'm planning to write one sometime soon.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this.

Also, there's at least one Hamilton reference in this!

~Alice Kirkland.

Percy's POV

I stared up at the ceiling, unable to make myself go to sleep, even though I was exhausted.  The lights were off, and the only light was coming from the starlight and moonlight shining through a window.

I had just been trying to sleep for the past three and a half hours.  I gave up after that, and just lied in bed.

Eventually, the ceiling got boring to look at and my ADHD kicked in, so I stood up and turned on the light of my cabin.

"What should I do for the hours?" I muttered, pausing in the middle to check my watch.  I thought for a second, before deciding to sneak out of my cabin.  I got dressed in skirt, leggings, and a shirt, not even bothering to bind my chest, instead putting on a bra under my shirt. I put on some socks and a pair of boots, then walked out of my cabin.

I walked around, keeping an eye out for anything and anyone, like monsters and other campers.

I didn't really pay attention to where I was going, though.  I just walked around, until I saw a light, and felt heat.  The hearth.

I saw a girl sitting sitting next to the hearth.  I smiled, and walked in that direction.

I sat down in front of the fire, next to the girl, who smiled at me.

"Hi," I said.

"Hi, Percy," Hestia replied.  "I like your skirt."

"Thanks," I relied, grinning.

We sat there for a little while, just chatting and enjoying the hearth's warmth.

About an hour later, there were a couple flashes, so I closed my eyes.  When I opened them, I saw a couple of other gods and goddesses.  Artemis, Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite.

"You aren't asleep?" Artemis asked me, sitting down.

"I tried, but I couldn't," I answered.

Aphrodite frowned.  "Percia, you have to get your rest, you know.  You have been so tired, lately, though you hide it.  I always have to hide the bags under your eyes for you."

"I wish I could get to sleep," I said. "I'm starting to think that I have insomnia or something."

"I am almost certain that you do," Athena confirmed.

"You should really at least tell Annabeth these things," Hera said.  "She'll help you. We can help you, but she can help you more-"

"No. What if she thinks I'm weak?" I said angrily.  "Isn't that what I've been trying to avoid my whole life?"

"You've been trying to avoid people seeing you as weak," Artemis said. "You were trying to avoid being weak at all.  But if you tell someone you trust about what you think makes you weak... Well, that takes courage and strength."

"Wow, so wise," I said.  "I would've expected Athena to have said something like that. It is actually very inspirational, not that it'll change how I feel and think."

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