Chapter Three

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Make sure you read the new chapter two, because that was actually a real chapter. You don't have to comment on it if you don't want to, though.

Anyway, for chapter three.


First 5 commenters on Chapter Two:
First commenter: @Rasnak
Second commenter: MoonyRulz
Third commenter: @ElephantGoddessRocks
Fourth commenter: @SophiaGrace1225
Fifth commenter: @Wise_Girl_2004

Percy's POV

"This is great," Annabeth said, looking out from their seat on the restaurant at the view of the beach.

"Really?"  I said hopefully.

"Of course," Annabeth said.  "I wouldn't lie to you. The view is amazing, and the food is great."

"So the unoriginality of the idea doesn't bother you?"

"Simplicity has it's own beauty."

I smiled. "I am constantly being reminded of how wise you are, not that I ever doubted it."

Annabeth smiled back.  "You're the best boyfriend I've ever had."

My smile dissipated for a split second before I forced it back.

"Is something wrong?" Annabeth asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked, playing dumb. Annabeth just raised an eyebrow, her usual confidence just as prominent as ever. She wouldn't be tricked into thinking it was nothing, that's for sure.

I sighed, my smile fading away. "Nothing ever gets past you, does it?"

"It is rare that anything does," Annabeth agreed.  "Now, why did you react negatively when I said you're the best boyfriend that I've ever had?"

I was silent for a moment, and she watched me patiently.

"You promise not to tell anyone?"

"Of course."

I took a deep breath, and then I said it before I could stop myself. It was like ripping off a band-aid.  Rip it off quickly and get it over with, or don't do it at all.

She looked at me curiously. No judgement.  "Do you mean that you're transgender?"

I shook my head. "I'm biologically female and identify as a girl."

"So why do you tell people you're male?" She asked, confused.

I sighed. "It's complicated. And a long story."

"We have time," she said softly.

"I...This is ruining our date, isn't it?" I said, looking away, feeling guilty. "I'm sorry."

"Percy." I didn't respond. "Percy, look at me." When I didn't, she put a hand under my chin and lifted my head so that I had to meet her eyes.

"First of all," she said, "you've done so much for me, as I have for you. The fact that you're a girl isn't going to change that. And you aren't ruining this date by telling me this, but if you want to wait until later to talk about it, that's okay too."

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