Lila:HAHAHAHAHA!You shouldn't have seen the whole thing!Naruto and Sasuke were so silent and awkward!But not as awkward as Hinata and Gaara!Also with Itachi and Deidera,you shouldnt have seen their faces when the bottle landed on Itachi!Oh and with also-
Naruto:Okay okay,let's just get tot the point
Lila:Okay whatever,anyways here
DaniellexBarbarack:Can you say Pein is a god 5 times?
Konan's response:Why would I?Never mind,okay
Pein is a god
Pein is a god
Pein is a god
Pein is a god
Pein is a god
Naruto:You and Kakashi?
Naruto:(tries not to laugh)
Lila:Nothing happened anyways!
Naruto:That is all (laughs)