This Is Just the Prologue

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For almost 3 years I've been in this god forsaken system. It sucks every single day knowing that you can't stop the change happening around you and you can't go back in time to make the change stop.

In total, I've been to 4 foster homes. I know what your thinking, in a time period of three years, how can you go to 4 separate families? To be honest, I wonder that myself. Did no one like me? Was I annoying? Was it my personality? Was it how I treated the people there? Am I such a piece of trash that people just threw me back to go to somewhere else, somewhere worse? Felt like it at least.

The first foster home I went to I was 10 and moved into the Goodrich's. They were nice people, the husband and wife were anyways. Their two children; however, were the exact opposite. Hannah and Thomas were twins just 2 years older than me and they hated my guts. I'm not really sure why, maybe because I was new there? I'm not really sure, but as soon as I walked into their house I could tell they were going to cause me trouble. I had been there for almost a year and they let me go because they could tell that me and the twins weren't getting along so great. We fought a lot and they bullied me and always called me names. It was awful and they saw that.

The second home I went to was with the Campbells. The Campbells were a very nice and welcoming family. Andrew, Jane and their daughter Ava. By the time I moved in with them it had been a year since I was put into the system. A year since my life went downhill. Although my life had always been going down hill, I just hadn't really noticed. The problem with that family was that they were way to busy. The parents were always at work and I was stuck at home taking care of their toddler. I had never babysitted before so that was a challenge. It took 3 months for them to realize that I wasn't happy and that I couldn't just be a babysitter for them.

By far the worst family I have been apart of was the Thompson family. You would think 3rd times the charm right? Haha, wrong. Now, I have nothing against the family and they are genuinely nice people but living with them was unbearable. They didn't hurt me or anything, they would never, but it was their lifestyle. The Thompson family were hardcore Catholics and I don't really believe in any sort of religion. Don't get me wrong, I respect it and I have nothing against anyone who believes in that kind of stuff. But when the gospel is being shoved down your throat 24/7, you start getting a bit irritated. I tried tolerating it for a few months but eventually I was growing tired of it. How'd I get out? Well let's just say their son William was getting a bit tired of it too. When I first came to their home, William, their son who was also adopted, was their little obedient pet. He did whatever his parents told him to do and he didn't even question it. Over time, he started growing on to me and we would talk a lot and hang out in my little room. One day, I showed him my music and he was in love. There went obedient, pure little William. Long story short, William started acting a bit more rebellious and his parents found out he was listen to that music. And because he's only allowed to listen to Christian music, they got pissed at him and his parents blamed me for "corrupting" their son and kicked me out. Back to the agency I go.

Currently, I'm staying with a very nice lady named Jodie. I've been staying with her for over a year and it's been really nice. It's just the both of us and we sit, talk and hang out together. It's pretty cool since we have a lot of things in common, like our music and movies tastes. To bad this is temporary, she is only keeping me for a little while until someone truly adopts me. Just how that shit works I guess. It's May now and today seems like a pretty normal day.

And now we pick up on this "normal" day and continue onto the rollercoaster that you call my life.


Hey guys!! This is my first ever fan fiction and I really hope you guys like it! I've never done this before so I'm super nervous on what you guys think of it
Please comment and rate! I want to hear what you guys think of the story so far
(btw I'm sorry this one was long and it is suppose to explain what the character's life was a bit like before the actual story, just to get her introduced)
Thanks for reading 💕

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