Breaking of the Heart and Mind <3

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The weather was dull and bleak. The dark clouds placed a shelter from the sun over the small, quiet town of Sombre. Sombre is situated in the south of the main Scottish Island Orkney. This town is an unknown place where everyone knows everyone and no one’s secrets were hidden except one person, Lily Thompson.

 Lily is a shy, teenage girl who has been living in care all her life. She had golden brown hair and bright blue eyes, she had a pale skin tone and many freckles scattered over her face like constellations in the sky. No one in the local school or village knows her; she hides away and spends her time sorting through her belongings. Lily recently moved to the area with her foster parent; Nick and Jan. Nick Is a surgeon who often works long, time consuming hours and Jan Is a consultant at the hospital who works with children suffering from all kinds of diseases.

Lily was huddled under the tree while the sky rumbled with thunder and cried with rain. She was waiting for the weather to calm before she continued her journey home. As the darkness began to close in and the rain began to fall harder she made the choice to head home now rather than wait until dark. She sprinted out from under the shelter of the overgrown tree and like a jackal she was already off in the distance. The heavy rainfall caused the ground to slip from underneath her feet, as she scrambled up and over the hills she fell often and slipped back to the ground. The mud splattered up hitting in the face as she ran. Lily arrived at her new home, covered in mud and dripping with water. Her shoes were squelching as she wondered through the hallway and her jeans were sticking to her skin. 

After Lily had dried she peered out of her small window to see how the weather had developed. Her face dropped with shock as the sun was shining; birds dancing in the air and the ground looking as dry as it would If It had been In the middle of summer. Lily then placed her dripping clothes in the washing machine and cleaned up the trail of water she had left behind her. After that, she stayed in her new room all evening. The walls were newly painted with the colour pink as Jan liked the colour pink (Lily had no choice in the colour of her room, she would have chosen black or blue). She sorted through her few belongings and gazed at the picture of her as a child with her parents. Her parents had died in a car crash when Lily was two years old. Lily was known as a miracle toddler as the doctors were amazed that she managed to survive from the Injuries she suffered from during the crash.  She suffered from a torn liver as well as a punctured lung, at the young age of two; the doctors were amazed she managed to survive with these Injuries. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2012 ⏰

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