Let Me Fix You

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I slam the old door to my apartment and instantly regretted it. I heard stomping and knew l was going to get yelled at.

"Why did you slam the door?" my mom asked some how infuriated by such a little thing.

"I didn't try it there was a draft that made it close easier," I explained. It was only partially a lie there was a draft but I did slam it. It was our last week of school and I had to do a lot of homework so I was less than impressed. But if I told them that I would be better off dead so I keep that to myself.

"I AM TIRED OF YOUR ATTITUDE!" She all but screamed at me.

"Mom seriously I was just telling you what happened," I replied as calm as I could. Seriously it's not that big of a deal.


"No you know what mom that's not necessary I'm leaving! I'm done with the crap I have had to put up with your bitchiness for WAY to long. Don't try to stop me, if you touch me I won't hesitate to call social security on your ass!" I shouted as i stormed into my small room.

I grabbed a bag and shoved everything I thought I needed which consisted of most of my clothes, (I hardly had any because I saved half of the money my mom gave me to buy clothes) my black converse, black and white Vans, flip-flops, all my hoodies, and then slipped on my One Direction hoodie. After that (it took like five minutes) I grabbed my stash of money, iPhone with charger, and my headphones took one last look at my old room and stormed out of the house.

It was fairly cold for almost summer so I'm glad I have my favorite hoodie.

"Alice! Alice get back here!" I heard my mom call after me, but I don't turn back.

I kept running; going to the only place I can think of- the cliff that i go to whenever I need to think. With my iPhone in hand I sat on a rock looking over the lake, with the stars shining above. I started blasting my play list that has a lot of random music and started to think.

I heard someone walking toward me so I paused my music and jumped to my feet ready to defend myself. Who would be here I'm the only one that knows about this place, I asked myself. Its to dark to see so i called out "Who's out there?" Oh yeah like they would answer, I scolded myself.

"Um me?" said a very familiar sexy British accent.

I messed with my black One Direction hoodie as I sat back down. "Well 'me' care to explain how you know of thi-" I was cut of by him tripping over me.

"Ouch!" I heard him say. I rushed around trying to find him.

"Are you alright?" I asked concerned. If he rolls to far he could fall off the edge.

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm over here." He called out. I don't know where he is; I should have brought a flashlight or something. I put my hands out and tried to find him. Crawling over to a rock I found him. I offered him a hand that he gladly took.

Once he stood he held out his hand saying "I'm Louis Tomlinson," Oh my god! That's why I recognized his voice! God I was so stupid how could I not notice it was him? On the inside I was fan girling but on the outside (where LOUIS TOMLINSON was) I just shook his hand saying "Alice McGlee."

"What a pleasure it is to meet you," he said jokingly. "Would you like to tell me why your here instead of at home?"

"Well...Lets just say I I'm no longer welcomed at my house." I mumbled looking at the ground.

"Would you like to stay at me and Harry's apartment?'' He asked politely not forcing me. I smiled it felt like I was exploding on the inside.

"Um.... Well s-sure if that's alright." Oh my god I meet my idol and I was stuttering?

"Of course. Why else would I ask? I'll just text Harry and tell him." He smiled...I think it is to dark to tell.

"Well lets go we don't what to freeze," He said chuckling. "Here" he put out his hand," So you don't fall" he explained. I slipped my hand awkwardly into his as we walked to where ever his car was.



So yeah it sucks but iwishiwasbritish was rushing me but I hope you enjoy

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