Troubled Affection

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How dose one fall in love? That's a question i spent most of my life trying to answer, trying to understand how can one give someone their love and affection, how can one touch someones heart not their body, or steal their attention instead of their verginity or even make them smile not waste tears, i've asked myself these questions so many times they were uncountable, that is until i met her...

My love, my heart, my one and only, my imperfect perfection, the love i have for her is more than anything, and i know i sound like some loser who is all for falling in love, it's actually come to the point where when i'm without her it's like a sentence without spaces or shoes without laces, like a desk without a seat, socks without feet and a heart missing it's beat.

 It took me a while though, to realize that falling in love isn't a process, you can't follow a certain rule, it just happens, it happens unexpectantly and infinatly, it makes your world literally turn upside down.

When you love someone you love them in an instant, in that moment your eyes... your eyes first meet, it took us 6230 days to officially meet, but it only took seconds for us to fall in love.

Our love wasn't the fairy tale kind of love, niether of us accepted how we truly felt and it wasn't just because we didn't want to, it was because we couldn't.

But to tell you my story, i have to tell you her's... i'm gonna have to go back to the very begining... the day we first met, the day our eyes connected.


The sound of  a car woke me up, i checked my clock it was 7am, i looked out the window, i saw Ariana, my best friend's car, she owened a white beat up BMW, it's been passed down from her brother to her.

i fell back onto my bed. Then, and only then did i realize it was Monday, and i was late for school.

"Damn it" i whispered under my breath.

I got up, i opened up my cobared, i picked up anything from the top pill of clothing on the top shelf. see i got home late last night from work.

Before you jump to conclousions i'm not like a prostitute or drug dealer or anything like that, i work for my other best friend, Christina, she owns a bar and she's been having a little trouble finding some employees and i needed the money, so me and Ariana decided to work for her, we both could use the extra cash.

Anyway i threw on a  Plaine white T's shirt and jean shorts, it's really hot here in Texas, i'm not really the kind to show of a lot of skin, but seriously the heat could kill and if i need to show some skin to keep myself a little cool then so be it.

I grabbed my bag and got out of my room before looking at myself in the mirror first to see if i was looking okay, well aside from my messed up hair and sleepy eyes, i looked good, i never liked to wear to much complex clothes, shirt and jeans work for me just fine.

As I ran out of my room i bumbed into my twin brother, Nickalous, to say we were twins was a shame, you see he was all big and firm, while me on the other hand i'm really short and tiny, but i guess it beats happening to live with diabites, i feel bad for him, sometimes i wish it was me with the sickness.

Troubled Affection {Delena}Where stories live. Discover now