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Jimin was unusually clingy the rest of the night, taking every opportunity to rest his hand on Taehyung's arm or lean into him when he laughed. Taehyung definitely wasn't complaining. In fact, he loved it. It made him just that much more thankful he didn't drink enough to get drunk, because he definitely wanted to be sober for every eye smile the older shot at him.

All in all, he was glad he decided to wear the choker. That thought crossed his mind at a quarter till midnight, when he was laying in his his own bed after dropping Bogum off at his aunt's house. The boy had teased Taehyung a bit, but the latter avidly refused to tell him what happened in that room.

His cheeks grew pink at the memory, the tint deepening to a red when the mental image of Jimin pleasuring him manifested in his mind. Before he knew it, he had a little problem.

Shifting uncomfortably, he tried to ignore his slight erection. He was too exhausted to do anything about it and really just wanted to go to sleep. Despite thinking about every unattractive thing he could come up with, the thought of Jimin remained dominant. He could almost feel the boy's hands in his hair and his lips on his neck.

"Damn you, Park Jimin."


Of all things that could have possibly woke him up, the doorbell ringing over and over and over again wasn't necessarily the most desirable one. Taehyung grunted and buried his entire head under the pillow, his face only emerging when the bell sounded once more.

He forced himself out of bed and drug his feet as he made the trip to the door, feeling extraordinarily groggy.

"What do you wa-" he was cut off by Bogum welcoming himself into his home, pushing past him and crossing his arms expectantly.

"So?" Taehyung only gave him a few sleepy blinks in response. "Aren't you going to tell me what happened yesterday? You ditched me for some room that's apparently exclusive to Jimin's closest friends and I only saw you again half an hour later when Jimin pulled you to another room." He took a closer look at Taehyung. "Your neck is covered in hickeys, by the way."

Taehyung blushed as he brought a hand up to feel the sensitive skin on his neck. "I'm sorry about ditching you," he finally said. "I didn't expect him to be in such a rush to bring me back there." He remembered how apparently jealous Jimin sounded on the phone the previous day.

"I'll only forgive you if you tell me what happened." Bogum grinned cockily and crossed his arms.

"I hate you," Taehyung sighed. "He told me I looked hot in the choker and brought me to his bedroom. Happy?"

"Bitch." Bogum gave an unsatisfied look. "I expect more details than that. I know you guys didn't fuck because it would have been a lot longer and louder, but there's no way he just brought you to his bedroom to play pattycake."

"We made out and stuff, okay? Afterwards he was really clingy and stuff and, gosh, it was so cute." A giddy expression crossed his face. "I'd never seen that side of him before."

"I told you so," Bogum said cockily. "Chokers are hot and nobody can deny it."

Taehyung rolled his eyes and shook his head. "You're such a dick," he said. "But you're right. Even Namjoon catcalled me."

Bogum looked confused for a moment, as if he was trying to remember who Namjoon was, before his eyes widening. "Kim Namjoon? Wow, I haven't seen him in a few years."

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