Bloody Roller

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Spade took Dice out to the woods, gun pressed against his back. Dice growls at him deeply. Narrowing his eyes, Spade shoves Dice against a tree. He twists Dice's arms behind his back and aims the gun at his head.

"I had enough of this shit... You let those asshole kill my niece!!! I can't forgive you for that.." Growled Spade in Dice's ear.

"Funny..ugh, I thought you didn't care... Prick.." Groans Dice, looking over his shoulder at Spade.

"Care for you? No I don't, but for someone who was gonna be my family, someone who didn't get to see the sunlight... That's where I step in.." Spade turns Dice around and aims the barrel at Dice's forehead.

"Heh, go ahead, I dare you...  You'll go where the rest of the Deckers go... IN HELL..."

"Fuck you, you ungrateful runt... It's all your fault that you were born..."growled Spade. Dice swings a fist into Spade's cheek and he drops the gun. Both men punch each other and soon ripped each other's shirts. Both men panted hard as the glared at each other.

"You..never cared for anyone in your pathetic life..." Dice said as he wipes his mouth from blood. Spade pants as he notices Dice's scars in his torso.

"Heh, is that how he shows you love, Dice? Seems like it.." Spade said as he points at the scars. Dice growls in response. "I knew it... You fell for someone who doesn't love you back you know.... I've seen the way Devil acts when you're not here. That mug kid is always trying to make him feel better, and that demon get touchy with the kid."

"Liar... Devil loves me, and I know it."

"Seems the kid has more balls than you do when it comes to emotions, Dice. Weak as always.." Growled Spade. DIce growls as well as he gets the gun and aims it at Spade.

"I will never listen to you, you tried to kill me when I was innocent, do think I would let you trick me!? You and the rest of our fucking family were nothing but dirty liars and cheaters. And all of you hated me for being me, a white and purple die!!!! Didn't it ring to all of you that IM ALBINO!?!? I learned that during my time with Devil...  Our mother birthed an albino child, which was rare in such families..... I YOU TREATED ME LIKE SOME FUCKING DISEASE!!!!!" Dice tears up as his hand slowly shakes and draws closer to Spade, who was backing up slowly against a nearby tree. "ALL OF YOU DIDN'T KNOW THAT I WAS BORN THIS WAY FOR A REASON, BUT YOU ALL WERE SO STUPID TO EVEN UNDERSTAND!!!! NONE OF YOU DIDN'T EVEN THINK ABOUT HOW I FELT ABOUT ALL OF THE TORTURE YOU PUT ME THOUGH. NOT EVEN THE DEVIL'S BEATINGS CAN COMPARE TO WHAT MY OWN FAMILY DID TO ME...I HATE YOU!!!!!" Dice pulls the trigger and the shot echoed across the forest. Spade hardly dodged the bullet, but it did make contact to his right eye, breaking it off were the existing crack was. Spade fell to the floor, holding his wounded hole as blood slowly spilled off the side of his head. The bullet not only took his eye, but majority of his right side.

"Ugh... D-Dice..... better...than all of us....." groans Spade as he slowly loses conscience. Dice huffed as he slowly aims the gun at Spade once more. One, two tree, four, five, click click click..... Dice emptied the into Spade. His torso, arms, abdomen, and head were shot off. Pieces of Spade were everywhere. Tears streamed down Dice's cheeks as he stared at the corpse before him. He made himself officially the last of the Decker family. Dice aims the gun to his head and pulls the trigger. Click. Click click click click click. Still empty. Dice drops the gun and screams out. In one corner, Mugman stood there with Cuphead. They looked at each other. Mugman's eyes said enough to Cuphead. They know what must be done.

Is Love Worth Rolling For? (King Dice X Devil Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now