I: New Boy In Class

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Lanzie (Jonathan Lanzie Haver) is living in America with his mother's mother. Well, he is living there happy and comfortable. He studied in a beautiful school, with awesome friends, until Andrei came into his life.

It was their 1st day in their highscool life. He was jolly that time, seeing his friends after a long time.

When he was walking at their school's long corridor while listening to k-pop songs, mostly songs of EXO, he then bumped into an unknown boy. When Lanzie saw the unknown boy, he felt like it was a miracle. The boy is handsome, charming, good-looking, and a bit chubby which Lanzie likes.

"I'm sorry" said the unknown boy in a deep charming voice, as if it's like a boy singing a beautiful ballad song. Well, Lanzie found out that he is he's ideal type of boy. Going back to the unknown boy, he then ran like the wind chasing him or the time is running out. Lanzie paused for a moment, having a recap on what happened.

"Lanzie, it's you!" Taking a closer look, the unknown voice is actually from his best friend, Hufflepuff (Hufflepuff Greens), but Lanzie didn't respond on Hufflepuff's hello. "Lanzie, hello! I'M HERE! Why are you facing in a different direction?" Hufflepuff was curious, so she faced on what was Lanzie facing. Lanzie's facing a wall, bigger than everyone's foreheads. After Lanzie not responding, Hufflepuff then slapped Lanzie's face hard as a rock.

"OW! That hurt! Wait a minute... Hufflepuff? Is that you! It is you!"

"Of course it's me, Hufflepuff!"

"Wait, what just happened? I can't remember a single thing."

"That's what I will supposedly ask to you, 'what happened?' You actually froze there like a statue on the cold floor facing the big walls! Well, there's no time to waste. Class will be starting, let's go!"

At that exact moment, the bells rang loudly like an alarm when you wake up.

"Ya hear that? LET'S GO!"

Entering the classroom, you can only hear the loud shouts and the noisy "Lanzy"s.

"Guys, Lanzie is back!," Hufflepuff shouted to the whole class.

"Welcome back, Lancelot!," another friend of Lanzie shouted.

"Well, well, look who's back, Lanzie's back! Or should I call the loser!" The bully said to Lanzie. The bully is actually the principal's daughter, which you can never stop. Her name is Heart (Heart Mollins), the richest kid in school.

"Take that ba..."

On that short moment, the teacher entered and everyone was quiet like the evening sky sleeping.

"Good morning class! Well, each and everybody knows me, right?"

"Yes ma'am!"

And there takes the role of a teacher, also known as the queen of the school, Ms. Marrypons. She is sweet and kind. But when you're over the line, she will became the dragon in your dreams.

"Anyways, we will have a temporary classmate today. He will be the substitute for Jacob."

"Why? What happened to Jacob?," a student asked.

"NO ASKING QUESTIONS!," she said in a terror way, as if it's she's threatening someone. "Anyways, he is outside waiting. Meet... ANDREI!"

When Andrei entered the room, every girl can't take their eyes on Andrei.

"Andrei, introduce yourself," Ms. Marrypons said.

"Hello, my name is Andrei (Nathaniel Andrei Lorenzo), I live here in America. Since my cousin, Jacob, is sick and not here today, I will be his substitute for now," Andrei said.

Lanzie was shocked that time. Andrei was actually the unknown boy he bumped earlier. Lanzie's mouth was wide as if he's hungry for a meal. Lanzie froze again just like a statue. Beside him was Hufflepuff, and behind him was Heart.

"Lanzie?" Hufflepuff whispered. "Lanzie?," she wispered again. "LANZIE?!," she loudly whispered. "You really, really need to go to the doctor!"

"Oh! What happened? I can't remember a thing, again!," Lanzie questioned himself.

"Why is this happening to you?," Hufflepuff asked.

"Well, he bumped me earlier before you saw me sitting in the cold floor," Lanzie replied.

"So? Tell the teacher!"

"No! Don..."

"I'll just tell her myself!," Hufflepuff said. "No! It's not what you think it is!," Lanzie said quickly.

"What? What are you talking about?," Hufflepuff asked.

"Well, he's my, forget it."

"Shut up, loser!," Heart said as if she's threating Lanzie.

"No you shut up!," Hufflepuff said to Heart's, making Heart's face bitter.

In front of Lanzie was Jacob's chair. Since Jacob's chsir is in front of Lanzie's chair, Jacob's substitute, Andrei, will sit there. Lanzie's heart beated fast like a drum beating at a parade.

When Andrei sat, Lanzie was feeling a bit dizzy.

"Lanzie, are you okay?," the teacher asked. "Yes, I'm f-fine ma'am."

"Are you sure? Then, come and solve the Math problem written on the board," Ms. Marrypons said.

When Lanzie stood, his diziness started to became worst. Of course, he fainted, but safely landed on Andrei's lap, until everything became black on Lanzie's vision.

-Thank you for reading! Follow me for more stories to read! See you on my next writing adventure!-

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