II: Awake In A Dream

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It was already early afternoon when Lanzie woke up in an unkown room laying in a bed. Beside the bed, there was a table. On the table were syringes, bandages, medicines, and other things. It's common, that he is in a hospital.

The door just opened, then Hufflepuff appeared.

"Lanzie? Are you awake? Are you okay?," she asked.

"Yah. I-I'm fi..."

"Shhh. You're hurt. Rest for a while," she said.

"W-What h-happened?," Lanzie asked.

"Well, you fainted. But thanks to
Andrei, you landed on him," she answered.

"A-Andrei?," he asked.

"Well, yes. You landed on his lap. It was weird though. Why did you faint earlier? You were healthy and strong when I saw you!," she said.

The door opened again, but its not one of Lanzie's friends, instead Mrs. Haver appeared.

"Lanzie, are you okay? Are you hurt?," Mrs. Haver asked.

"I'm okay, mom. D-Don't worry about me," Lanzie replied.

"I brought you food, now who's hungry?," Mrs. Haver asked.

"Perfect! I'm hungry!," Lanzie replied happily.

"Thank you for calling me, Hufflepuff. Thank you for being a good friend to Lanzie," she thanked.

"Bye the way, how is Lanzie's condition? Does he have a fever, or something?," Mrs. Haver asked.

"Well, the doctor didn't came yet," Hufflepuff replied.

"Ok. Thank you again, Hufflepuff," Mrs. Haver said.

"No problem, Mrs. Haver! I'm gonna go now," Hufflepuff replied.

"Wait! Don't go yet. Come and join us, we cannot enjoy these meals all by ourselves," she quickly said.

"Yah! C-Come and join us for a w-while," Lanzie agreed.

"Well, thank you, Mrs. Haver. Is everything free?," Hufflepuff asked.

Laughter started across the room. Of course, who can't laugh while eating delicious meals? They ate bread, fresh fruits, and desserts, especially Mrs. Haver's specialty, pineappple pie.

After eating, they took a sip on Mrs. Haver's freshly squeezed orange. Everyone was full like a glass of orange juice.

"Thank you for letting me taste your delicious delicacies, Mrs. Haver. Especially, your pineapple pie. It really hits the spot," Hufflepuff thanked.

"Don't mention it! Wait," Mrs. Haver said.

"What's the matter ma?," Lanzie questioned.

Mrs. Haver was holding a plastic container, filled with pineapple pie.

"Here. Take it, it's free. thank you for calling me about Lanzie's condition," Mrs. Haver said.

"N-No. It's okay Mrs. Haver. Don't mention it," Hufflepuff said.

"No, take it Hufflepuff," Mrs. Haver said.

At first, Hufflepuff cannot accept the pineapple pie. But because of it's deliciousness, Hufflepuff can't control herself, but to accept it.

"T-Thank you, Mrs. Haver. Thank you too, Lanzie," Hufflepuff thanked.

"Don't mention it," Lanzie said.

"I gotta go now, class will be starting, bye guys! Thank you again!," Hufflepuff thanked.


When Hufflepuff left the room, a smile appeared on the Haver's face.

"What a great friend," Lanzie said.

"What a great girl," Mrs. Haver said.

"Well, I gotta go too. I have work to do at the clinic. See you later, my darling! Take care," Mrs. Haver said.

"Bye ma!," Lanzie said.

When Mrs. Haver left the room, Lanzie was left alone.

"I am bored! There's nothing to do here!," Lanzie complained. Instead of doing something, he just closed his eyes and slept quietly.

At the time he rised, the door opened for the third time, but it is not Mrs. Haver, nor Hufflepuff. Instead, the doctor came.

Everyone knows that some doctors are handsome. Lanzie's lucky that he saw one.

"Hello, um... Lanzie right?," the dictor asked.

"Yes, doctor," Lanzie replied before taking a swallow in his throat.

"So, you fainted, right?," the doctor asked.

"Basing on my friend, yes," Lanzie replied.

"Ok, I just came in to check on you. The results of why you fainted will be revealed ASAP. And please, rest for a while. I saw you rising before I came in," the doctor convinced Lanzie.

"Okay, doctor," Lanzie replied.

Before the doctor left the room, he stared at Lanzie for the last time, leaving a wink on him.

After the doctor left, Lanzie started blushing, which he can't stop controlling, but it makes Lanzie feel better.

"Why is my life becoming weirder and weirder? Starting from Andrei, then to the doctor,  I don't understand!," Lanzie questioned himself, making his head think.

But then he rised again. What happened was actually a dream. He paused for a moment and questioned himself 'why is this happening?'

-Thank you for reading! Follow me for more stories to read! See you on my next writing adventure!-

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2018 ⏰

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