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Do It

I frowned. What ?? I looked at Jimin. He is looking at William with a 'what the hell bro ?' face. I looked at William again. " I'm sorry.. But what did you say ? " I asked that boy. " Lee Y/N A.K.A the most popular girl in this school is touching me !! " He yelled again. Make me closed my eyes. What's wrong with this boy ? " Hey, hey.. No shouting please.. " I said softly. And suprisingly he obeyed me.
" Okay.. " He said with a smile. I smiled back. Then I looked at Jimin. He is looking at William with an annoyed face. I don't know why.. " Emm.. William.. If you don't mind, can I ask you something ? " I asked while looking at the nerd boy. He turned his body so that he is facing me. " Anything for you, Y/N.. "

He said while grabbing my hand and held it. What the hell, man ?! " Hey, hey ! No touching please ! " Jimin said and snatched his hand away so he no longer hold mine. " What the -! " He quickly shut his mouth when he saw Jimin. He's afraid of my crush I see.. " Okay, enough guys.. Enough.. " I said as soon as I realised that Jimin is looking at William like he want to eat him and William is looking at Jimin with fear Jimin is overprotective.. And I like it.. I look at William. " William, " I called his name but he still looking at Jimin. " William.. " I called his name again but he ignored me I think. So I decide to seduce him a little bit.

Well, I also like to tease people you know. Hehe. " Liam baby~ " My seducing voice make William and Jimin looked at me. " Y-Yes ? " William asked me, stuttering. Maybe because I'm calling him BABY. I smiled sweetly at him. " Can I ask you something or not ? " I asked again. " Yeah, yeah ! Sure ! " He said excitedly. He looks like a little kid. I looked at Jimin. He rolled his eyes. Annoyed with William's attitude maybe. I looked back at William. " Emm.. What did you say just now ? A new student ? " I asked " Oh ! About that.. Yes ! There is a new student ! A girl.. She's quiet pretty.. "

William said. Make me pouted. " Looks like I have a rival from now on, huh ? " I said. " No ! No you don't ! For me.. You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.. " He said again and this time his hand want to touch my cheek. Suddenly, someone snatched his arm roughly. " I said, no touching ! If not, I will kill you with my own hand ! " Jimin raised his voice. Make William take his arm back. I chuckled. He's afraid of Jimin but he didn't listen to him. " Okay.. Thank you William.. " I said and smiled sweetly at him. He looks like he is LOST. " My pleasure, baby.. I mean, Y/N ! " He said and then he walked away. I smiled.


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I feel like I want to kill that boy called William right now ! How dare he want to touch what's mine ! Firstly, he touched her hand. Secondly, he want to touch her cheek. This is to much.. To much ! He also called her BABY !! What the hell ?! Y/N also called him baby ?? Why Y/N, why ?! You never call me baby before.. How bad.. Finally, I snatched his arm away and gave him death glare that made him take his arm back. Oh yes ! About the new student.. I will have a new toy ! Yeay ! I know that I'm cruel because I call all the girls toy. But that is me.. For me.. All of the girls are toy.. Except.. Y/N..

Jimin and I stepped into our classroom. Yes. We are classmate. When we stepped in it, all of them shout, " Couple !! " and that make me blush. Yes again.. Although everyone know that we are best friends, they still ship us. But for real.. I want it to happen. But I don't know about Jimin. Jimin looked at me and smirked. " Blushing I see, kitten ? " He whispered to my ear. I hit his arm playfully. " Shut up.. " I said. He chuckled. " But.. I do want it to happen though.. " His words make me looked at him in suprised. " Wh-What ? " I asked. His smirk fade away. It looks like he accidentally said that. " Emm.. No-Nothing.. Let's take a seat.. " He said. He grabbed my arm and pulled me with him. Why did he say that ? He like me or.. Ahh ! Shut up Y/N ! He won't like you, okay ?!

Oh god.. Why did I say that ?? I'm not ready yet.. Stupid, stupid, stupid Park Jimin ! Now, she definitely think that I AM CRAZY now ! Oh my god.. I just said 'Nothing ..' to her and then I grabbed her hand and pulled her with me. When we already sat down beside each other, I looked away. I didn't dare to look at her. I'M EMBARRASSED you know ! A few minutes later, the teacher came in. All of us stand up. " Morning teacher ! " All of us said.

" Morning class.. Sit down.. " He said and then all of us sat down. " Okay class.. Today, we have a new student.. Seulgi, come in.. " He said while looking at the door. Hmm.. Seulgi, huh ? I smirked. Suddenly, a girl came in. She smiled at all of us. " Introduced yourself, please.. " The teacher said again. " Hi ! My name is Kang Seulgi.. I hope we can be friends.. " She said.

I looked at Y/N She has a smirk plastered on her face

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I looked at Y/N She has a smirk plastered on her face. Eh ?

Kang Seulgi.. Long time no see, huh ? You guys probaly asking. Who is she ? Well.. Let me tell you. She is my ENEMY. Jimin didn't know her. Only me.. And I'm not suprised if she's here actually. I also didn't feel annoyed. But I feel.. So HAPPY because I can fight her back. And you know what ? She always fight with me. And because of her acting, my mom always scold me because she thought that I'm the one that started the fight. That moment, I be like.. Oh god..

I can't explain my feelings that time. Sad because my mom trust her more than me, angry because she's acting innocent in front of my mom and happy because I got to beat her. Weird right ? I know.. And then suddenly I remember Taehyung's words. Jimin will date her and dump he .. Hmm.. Interesting.. I smirked. I looked at Jimin and find that he already looking at me. " Jimin.. " I called him. " Yes kitten ? " He asked. " You want to date her and then dump her right ? " I asked him. He frowned but he still answer my question. " Err.. Yes.. Of course.. That's my passion remember ? " He said then chuckled. I smirked even widely. " THEN DO IT.. "

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