Untitled Part 1

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Seth: (Brings breakfast on a tray to Julie's bedroom)

Julie: (Smiles) Well what is this?

Seth: (Sits down and kisses her) Happy Valentines Day beautiful. Read the card!

Julie: (Reads) Thank you for being there for me and supporting me through my hardest times. I'll always be there for you and support you through yours. Always and forever your Valentine Colby/Seth

Seth: (Smiles)

Julie: (Tears fall) omg I love it and I love you so much! (kisses him)

Seth: I love you more.

(He and her share breakfast in bed then get their showers and get dressed)

Seth: So I have us something to do together today. Its a surprise so I gotta blindfold you.

Julie: Oh lord lol OK! Going out with Seth! You gonna be ok alone with my brother?

Yes I promise sis. Go have fun! Love you!

Julie: Love you!

(He blindfolds her then they go to the movie theater)

Seth: (Takes the blindfold off of her) Surprise!

Julie: Omg the new Fifty Shades movie!

Seth: (Smiles) Yep. (kisses her and holds her to him as they watch)

Chad: Are you ok? I can tell AJ to come over if you want.

No. I mean I have to avoid him now cause Julie knows how I got over him when we was together. If I take him back then that would make her think I was falling out of love with you and Im not. Your my Chad of course Im not. Ive just always loved AJ and its hard.

Chad: Look I understand everything. I know your not dumping me and Im fine if you have AJ in your life to as long as your happy and I get to cuddle you and love on you too then Im fine.

I dont wanna upset her. I have to just shoot him down all the time.

Chad: You wanna go to the mall before they get back? He invited us to dinner tonight said we can double date later!

That sounds sweet! Yes! Lets go!

(We go to the mall while Julie And Seth watch the rest of the movie)

Seth: (Text AJ) We gonna all go to dinner this evening you can come and try to win your girl back. Chad is 100% fine and even wants to help.

AJ: I hope so man. Thank you. I just hope Julie will accept me if Amanda does let me back in her life.

Seth: I think she will. Just give her time. She just dont want her to fall out of love with Chad is all.

AJ: Do I even still need to keep on? Or let her be with just Chad?

Seth: Dude dont give up on her. If you love her and dont wanna be without her then keep on with her. See you tonight man.

AJ: I wont give up. See ya tonight.

(Seth and Julie go back home and make out so deep and it gets more steamy so they do some fifty shades stuff of their own and make mind blowing love)

Chad: So Seth text me and told me that they are having a romantic time at home so we need to stay out a bit longer lol

Oh lord lol Im glad they're having a romantic time tho!

Chad: (Takes my hand and kisses it) You ok?

(Smiles) I am. Im with you am I?

Chad: Always.

My Secret Valentine (WWE Valentines Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now