A New Start

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I close my eyes as we step out onto the snow. It crunches under our feet as we walk, and slowly I take a peek from behind Aiden to see we're in a field. The trees line one side of it like an unpassable black wall and for a second, Brianna's vision comes to mind. What did all of that mean exactly? I mean, I could take a guess, but surely things weren't that transparent. Since my vision interpreting skills were as nonexistent as my snow boots, I forced myself to look around instead.

"I don't see them?"

Aiden circles around, breathing in deeply as Brianna closes the portal behind us.

"They're here." He murmurs, turning to the trees.

"Jack, Luke! Where are you?" WIthout thinking I call for them, breaking apart from our little threesome. "Guys?"

All I want right now is to be squished in a giant bear hug, or have my hair ruffled - even painfully. They can pick me up and throw me in the pool despite the weather, drink all the coffee before I get it, even hog the tv with their stupid sports. They can do anything they want so long as they come to us now.

We hear the thudding first, and Aiden grabs my arm to pull me closer to him. There is no dying the footsteps of wolves running and as the duo break out into the light, I nearly cry. Brianna holds up her hand, sending a spark of green light across the field towards them only it stops halfway, falling to the ground.

"What's that?" I ask, looking at her.

"There is magic around them." She mumbled, concentrating as both hands started to glow and it wasn't english she whispering in under her breath.

A bigger ball of green suddenly surged forward, lighting up the invisible wall like a neon spider web. Again and again she threw these light balls at it, as my brothers only got closer - not stopping. Could they see what she was doing?

"Shit." Aiden cursed as the sounds of a car came up behind us, and turning now, I recognised Mum and Dads car.

A sudden blast of cold hit us as the panting growls of my brothers followed. The wall was gone and Brianna sighed, shaking her hands as though they were wet.

"They need to get out of here." She ordered Aiden, her eyes turning completely white before she closed them. "Who ever is doing this is still nearby and I'd love to find them too."

Aiden simply nodded as he looked down to me. "Go to your parents, we'll handle this."

"But-" I started, nearly being knocked over as my brothers finally made it to us. Their wriggling bodies had steam coming from their coats, their tongues were pink and hanging out of the side of their mouths as their tails didn't stop wagging. "Come on, Mum and Dad are over there."

They pushed me along with them, and looking back to Aiden, a wolf now took his place. He wasn't like my brothers, or any of the other shifters I knew. He was bigger, stronger, the look in his eyes feral as we stared at each other. The snarling growl sent my way was an obvious message to go, and my siblings circled me, keeping me going as Mum ran towards us.

"What's going on?"

"Whoever did this is still around, they want to find them." I tell her as we get close enough.

I hate leaving Aiden and Brianna, and behind us the growls only get more savage. Mum doesn't need to be told twice, and Dad never turned off the car. My brothers shift the second they reach the side door and take the pants Dad passes out to them, but I don't get in.

"Sam, what are you doing?" Luke snaps, grabbing my arm as he tries to pull me into the car. "Get in."

"I can't just leave them." I protest, torn about what to do.

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