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Third person's pov

"Joochan, hi. " Jibeom poked Joochan's cheeks.

"Hi Beomie," he turned to Jibeom. "You're in a good mood." Joochan commented when he saw the huge smile plaster on Jibeom's face and he could feel the energy bubbling out of the latter.

The elder one hugged his boyfriend and gave him a peck on his right cheek.

"No pda here please. Get out," Youngtaek muttered underneath his breath as he waits for the teacher to come in the classroom.

The two boys, however, ignored him. "Hmm, maybe I'm just excited about our date today."

"Wait, what date? Did we plan something? Oh my god did I forget? I'm so sorry baby," Joochan panicked.

Jibeom then burst out into a fit of laughter to which, he heard a gasp and earned a slap on his arm from his loving boyfriend.

"You tricked me!" Joochan pouted while Jibeom tried to recover from his laughter.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you by asking you to a date. A real one this time." Jibeom smiles while taking Joochan's hand in his.


The couple arrived at Jibeom's apartment later that day. However, instead of going into the room, they went up to the rooftop. It was their place.

They liked to think that they can do anything while they're up there. That nothing can stop them. That they could take over the world and ignore all the criticism and the messed up society.

They threw their bags down by the cold metal door and walked to the edge of the rooftop. Joochan sat down first, dangling his legs over the building.

"Beomie," Joochan breathed out.

Jibeom sat next to his boyfriend and hummed as a reply.

"Do you ever think that someday, we'll be able to run away? From this place, these people." Joochan rested his head into Jibeom's shoulder.

Jibeom then wrapped his arm around Joochan, bringing his boyfriend closer. "Of course. Why can't we? We can run out of this city, this country and go anywhere." He ruffled Joochan's hair and smiled down at him.

"And you know what's the best part? We'll do it together. We'll conquer the world together. You and me, some by side. Dumb and dumber."

That last sentence made Joochan snort and he thought that he liked this. The idea of running away with his one and only. And maybe he wished that it'll really happen.

He wished that they'd be together forever and forever, but he knows that forever isn't always. And wishes don't come true. He found out on that one fateful day.

Joochan sat on his couch in his apartment and switched on his television to the news.

Breaking News

High school boy commits suicide at Golcha Street at around 5pm. It is said that he was on a rooftop of an apartment along the street. Some say that someone pushed him but most were certain that he committed suicide. The only thing he left before falling was a note left underneath e rock. The note read-

Dear my first and last,
I'm sorry we can't be together. I'm sorry we can't run away. I can't. But you still can. Get out. Get out of this awful place for me. I'm so so sorry. Be happy for me. I love you, Joo.

People have been wondering who Joo was-

Joochan switched off the television with hot tears running down his cheeks. Why.

A/N: wew! short chapter:) I had lots of ideas for the chapter but I kinda forgot them all so Iit didn't came out as well as planned hahah. Welll,, this is the last chapter I guess. Hope you enjoyed this short series of Jichan:)) (I didn't proof read it)

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