Chapter 1: When I Woke Up

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My bed felt kinda rocky and strong which was so unlike my bed. I do remember that my bed was a soft and comfy enchanted bed and not this strong and uncomfortable cursed bed. I was even in and inclined way as I felt balls of roughness and strength on my entire body. It was like I was on a bed of rocks, uncomfortable rough rocks, and it felt not nice.

My pillow was hard and equally rough and also round. Where the heck was I. I mean have I been kidnapped or what? I couldn't even feel the morning sun on my face. Something had gone terribly wrong somewhere.

I jolted up as if I had a very terrible dream because this definitely felt like I was in a nightmare. I looked around myself and was shocked to find myself in a cave. How the heck did I get here? Now I guess I have truly been kidnapped and I have no idea how I got here. But I locked my room, I always do. I did so last night, or did I? I am supposed to apologize to my mum today but here I was away from home. How am I going to ask for forgiveness and also tell her that I forgive her?

I began to hear swooshing sounds, or was it whooshing sounds, at the mouth of the cave. That was really shocking. Was it breeze or what? I walked out of my cave and stared at machines, cool looking machines, that were moving on four legs, or are they balls. Strange looking balls I must confess. They were low and fast. They mostly had roofs and they were also moving on a kind of blue ground, or is it white? Maybe blue-white (is that even a colour) floor with some short walls dividing the special floor and white lines were all over the floor as if demarcating the path.

What had happened to all the horses and camels? I mean the forests are no longer thick but are now light and served as a wall. I was still confused until a machine stopped by me and a man walked out of the machine. He looked good and young and wore a strange shirt that hugged him.

He was charming and wore a killer smile and walked towards me still smiling. He spoke though, but who the hell cares about what he was saying. I was just looking at his facial features and getting lost in enjoying the view.

"Miss. Are you okay?" His face wore concern.

" I am. Would you mind repeating what you had said few minutes ago?" I asked him sheepishly feeling extremely embarrassed by me getting caught in my horrible act as his face wore a knowing smirk.

"I asked if you were okay because you looked lost when I saw you."

"I am lost yes but how, is what I don't know. Are we still in Weglid?"

He laughed softly and looked at me but after finding out that I was damn serious, he looked at me in concern.

"Weglid? Really? That was the ancient name used a century ago. But now this place is a bigger kingdom with developments. You are in Kata. The most advanced kingdom on Thysus."

Thysus is a cousin of Earth in another solar system. We have a warm sun so that means that our summer is warm and our winter is below freezing.

It was usually during winter that the firewood factory made it. So basically I am not lost I am still in my kingdom still on my planet but why was everything so different and advanced.

One look at the tall dark and handsome man, I knew my situation was not a good one.

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