Butterfly Kisses

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White. All I see is white. White walls, white sheets, white lights, white uniforms. Just white. The sickly smell of bleach and cleaning agents invade my nose and the hushed voices caress my ears. This place is getting all to familiar for my liking. My presence becoming more frequent. I know there's exactly 342 stairs from level 1 to 4. It takes approximately 2 minutes to get from the bottom level to level 3, my level.

That there are exactly 13 stores scattered throughout the building. That there are 8 men's, women's and disabled bathrooms. That canteen prices are ridiculously overpriced and no discount is given no matter how many times you visit.

That the coffee machine is decaf even when they say it's not. That there are two kinds of nurses. The ones who are their for the money and ones that try their best to make a difference. And that this place is both a blessing and a curse.

Ding. The sound of the elevator draws me away from my thoughts, I step out and walk towards the room. Room 204 to be exact. I smile politely at the nurses, some smile back and some avert their eyes. I slowly open the door trying to avoid it's familiar creek and walk in slowly taking a seat on the bed. I set the bags I was holding quietly on the floor and pull back the white covers. Green eyes and a toothy grin met me underneath. "Erica!" He shouts with delight. "You made it!" he struggles to sit up but I place my hand on his shoulder and push him back and give him a tight squeeze fighting back the tears. "Of course I did Benny" I say as I pull back. I give him a smile and look at him knowingly. "I bet you're sick of all this white huh?" I ask raising my eyebrows. His mouth forms an oh shape. "What did you bring me Ezzie!?" He says calling me by my nickname only he uses, barely containing his excitement. I slide off the bed and pick up the bags I brought, placing them on the bed. "Close your eyes Benny" I say and he does as he's told. I pull out a large blue patchwork quilt I had specially made by my neighbor for him. Every second square is a photo of benny and I, Mum and Benny, Mum and I or the three of us. As well as our pets. I unfold it and place it over him and the bed. "Open" I say smiling. He opens his eyes and gasps. He looks at the quilt. At every single photo clumsily tracing them as he moves along. A tear slides down his innocent face. "Sissy I want to go home". The last word is muffled as he starts crying. I kick off my shoes and move him over in the bed joining him giving him a cuddle as he cries into my chest. "I know you do sweety, it's ok, I'm here, mum will be here later tonight. It's ok" I say as soothingly as I can trying to keep myself together. A tear escapes my eyes but I wipe it away before anyone would realize it's there. He starts to calm down and his breathing slows. I look down at him to see he's fallen asleep. I carefully adjust myself and lean into his pillows. I give him a kiss on his smooth head and sigh. Benny is such a gorgeous kid. I remember his first few minutes in this world like it was only yesterday. I was 11 at the time. He was so small. Like a doll with his little button nose and pudgy cheeks. He had his whole life ahead of him. It's been 6 years since that day. A rough 6 years. I can't even begin to explain it. Benny was diagnosed with leukemia when he was 4. Mum told me that Benny was getting sick and several tests later he was diagnosed. I can't think of another day that was so dark and filled with depression and tears. The sad thing is all Benny knows is that he's sick and will eventually get better. That all the pain he goes through just means he's getting better, not worse. It breaks my heart every morning waking up praying it's all a dream but seeing his empty room just confirms it's reality.

The creak of the door knocks me out of my thoughts. "Erica, It's time for Benny's tests. I'm going to have to ask you to wait in the waiting room" a nurse says smiling sadly at me. I look down at Benny and give him a kiss on his head and wake him up. "Benny wake up. The nurse is going to take you for some more tests ok?" He hugs me tighter but I pull his week arms off of me. "It's ok. I'll be right here. When you get back there will be more presents waiting" I tell him. He perks up a little and reluctantly takes the nurses outstretched hand "I'll just wait here. I won't be a nuisance. I don't want to go back to the waiting room" I tell her. She smiles and says "Alright but if anyone asks I sent you out" she says and closes the door.

I slide off his bed and start stripping it. Changing the linen like I've done countless times. I place his new blanket on top of the bed making sure everything is tightly tucked in just how he likes. I pick up the large blue teddy bear I bought him and prop it neatly against his pillows and place the large bundle of comic books and spread them in a line to show the covers of them all. I smile at the thought of how excited he'll be when he sees it all. I'll sit on the chair next to his bed and await his return.


Hi guys this is a new story I've decided to write. I'm writing it on my phone so I'm sorry if there's any mistakes. Please let me know what you think! Vote, comment. Tell your friends! :)

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