.Part 20.

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                                                  °Nash's P.O.V°

I got back to the table with a few drinks and snack but y/n was nowhere in sight.I put the tray of drinks on the table and sat down.

Nash;"Guys,where's y/n?"

Mahogany; "She told us to tell you that she went home because she had a migraine coming on."

Nash;"She was fine this morning."

Shawn;"You did tell her you were moving to California right? "

Nash;"No,I was planning on telling her tonight. Why?"

Shawn;"We may have just told her,we thought she already knew."

Nash;"Shit,I have to go explain.Ill talk to you later guys yeah?"

They all replied yes and I left the table.Why would they tell her!It was my job!And I was also going to ask her to come with us!Everything is probably ruined now..

I quickly jumped in my car then dashed off to y/n's house.

                                           °Y/n's P.O.V°

I sat on my bed crying my eyes out,I felt like I was torn apart.Like everything was falling apart when really it just my heart.I was curled up in ball not knowing what I was going to do when he was gone.

My mum stood at the door and just peeked her head round it.

Mum;"Theres someone here for you, will I let them in. "

I knew it was going to be Nash,and plus I still haven't let him even talk to me about it.I stood up and walked over to my mirror and wiped away the mascara that was left dry on my cheeks.I went and sat back over to my bed.

Y/n;"Yeah,sure. "

My mum walked downstairs to let Nash in.I could hear his footsteps coming from downstairs to my room.He knocked on the door and came in.

Nash;"Look I know what your thinki-"

I cut him off because I knew it was just going to be what everyone says when they leave.I know what your thinking but I wasn't trying to hurt you.

Y/n;"Well too bad Nash cause you have hurt me."

He walked towards me and sat in front of me on my bed,and held my hands.

Nash;"I swear I wasn't trying to,my mum and dad already signed the paper without me knowing."

Y/n;"Well what do we do now?"I said as I could feel tears rolling down my cheeks.

Nash;"I don't know."

Y/n;"What if we just end everything just now?"

Nash;'Like us?Finishing?"

Y/n;"I don't want you to not find someone else but think you can't go out with them because were still together."

Nash;"But I'm not going to find anyone else y/n,plus I have something to ask you."

Y/n;"You will Nash,I know you will."

Nash;"How about you come with us?"

Y/n;"I cant."

Nash;"Why not?"

Y/n;"Because I can't just leave everything and go to California. "

Nash;"But then we can still stay together."

Y/n;"I know,but what about my mum."

Nash;"Why not? Ask your auntie to come and stay with her."

Y/n;"I can't Nash,she'll be heartbroken. "

Nash;"Please y/n,I won't be able to do this without you."

Y/n;"I'm sorry Nash."

He got off my bed and kneeled on the floor.His eyes were all puffy from tears that were racing down his face.He kept a hold of my hands and turned me round,so that I was facing him.

Nash;"Im begging you y/n."

He said whilst dropping his head onto my knees.

Y/n;"I'm so sorry."

Nash;"Why don't we ask your mum?"

Y/n;"I think we already know what she would say."

Nash got up and so did i,I walked him downstairs to the door.

Nash;"So I guess this is it?"

Y/n;"Yeah,I..i guess it is."

He came closer to me and hugged me tight picking me up off the floor.And resting his chin on my shoulder.

Y/n;"When do you leave?"

Nash;"2 days."He said whilst parting from me.

We stared into each others eyes for about 5 seconds until he took one thumb and wiped away my tears from my face.

He came closer again and kissed me on the cheek as he did that I felt more tears running down my face.

Nash;"I love you. "

Y/n;"I love you too."

After we said our goodbyes he walked home and I just went upstairs and  straight to bed.I kept thinking over and over again of how much of an idiot I for letting him go.He's my one and only,and I've just let him disappear from my life.

I laid my head on my pillow and cried myself to sleep.

                                             I just want him back!


How are you guys liking it? Can't believe I've wrote 20 parts already!! insane!!!do you think y/n will let him go or get him back?Thank you all so much for 4k reads!!!Please make sure to read my Cameron Dallas Fanfic it would mean a lot to me-Holly♥

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