"Hi Dad."

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She stared at him, holding her favorite Teddy bear in one hand and his pistol in the other.

"Hi Dad," she whispered.

Three years old. Alexis was three years old when her father disappeared. She didn't think anything of it, at the time. Flash forward thirteen years. Alexis, though she now goes by Alex, knows exactly what happened to her father.

Her dad was kidnapped by some monstrous creatures, but Alex doesn't know exactly what they looked like. After thirteen years without her dad, Alex assumed him dead. After growing up without parents, the girl is emotionally challenged, to say the least.

Alexis grew attached to a tattered old Teddy bear, a gift from her mom before her mother's death. Said stuffed bear rarely left the teenager's side. The girl also grew attached to her father's pistol, and kept it in a holster on her hip.

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After thirteen years, Alex got used to her dad never being there with her. You can imagine how much of a surprise it was when she saw him walking up to her. Alex had her old stuffed bear in one hand, his favorite pistol in the other. Her dad stopped walking up to her when he noticed his gun. Alex held it up, ready to shoot her father if the need arose.

"Hi Dad." Alex's voice was barely above a whisper. But her dad still heard it. He was surprised she recognized him, after thirteen years.

"Hi sweetie." That nickname, the one that always made her giggle when she was younger. If Alex hadn't seen everything she had throughout her life, maybe she wouldn't still have the gun pointed at his chest. Maybe she would run to his arms, excited to see her dad after so long. There's no way to know, not anymore.

But she had seen things. And she couldn't risk her dad not being her dad. She couldn't risk her dad being a monster masquerading as her dad. She she pulled the trigger.

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Alex walked away before the body hit the ground. She killed her father, but she never knew the difference. While she may never realize her father was gone, everyone who worked for her would. Someone had to dispose of the body after all.

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