His Girl (Michael Clifford/5SOS)

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□Raylin's pov ■

Today's the day. I cant believe that I get to see them live after 2 years of waiting. Incase your wondering who I'm talking about, I'll explain it a little.

I live in Sydney, Australia, the home of the 5 Seconds Of Summer lads who I'm going to watch live later on today, the reason I'm so excited is because not only do I get to see them live in person, I get to actually talk to them and hang backstage for a while with my VIP pass! You see, I've liked these lads ever since I saw there first youtube video back before they became famous. I guess you could say I'm a huge fan of them, I don't fangirl or cry when there songs come on the radio but I do smile and feel happy for the lads. I look over at the clock and notice that its 5:30, only an hour and a half left before the show! I need to get ready and fast. I quickly pull on my black jeans and my favourite shirt before putting on my black jacket and pulling my blue converse onto my feet, I don't really see the point in makeup so I don't put any on. Before I go, I grab a pen and a peice of paper and quickly write a message and stuff the paper in my pocket.

** At The Concert ** 

I quickly find my seat in the front row, I love my mum so much for getting me this seat!, and sit down waiting for the show to start. Soon enough the four lads come onto the stage, Ashton takes his place behind the drums and the other three lads walk over to the mic's at the front 

"Hello guys! Were 5 seconds of summer! We hope you enjoy the show! Our first song is Heartbreak Girl!" Luke shouts into the microphone and I grin, I love this song!

The rest of the concert goes quite fast they played: Heartbreak Girl

Out of my limit

Try hard 

Heartache on the bigscreen 

A cover of teenage dirtbag 



She looks so perfect


And the last song was my favourite, Dont stop. I love the way that after all there songs were finished they still stayed on stage an extra ten minutes to talk to the audience and to say thanks for coming to the show.

I excitedly make my way to the VIP entrance and show my pass to the guard there

"Go down the hall and take your first left into the meeting area" he says and I thank him before walking off and standing in the meeting area waitimg for the boys. Theres quite a few people here, most of them being teenage girls who are squealing about meeting the guys. I sit down on one of the chairs and patiently wait, I know when they walk into the room because the squealing increases. I sit and wait as the guys go and talk to each of the fans waiting for them however, I notice that when the guys are taking pictures Michael doesnt get in them, he just stands to the side with a sad look on his face. I knew this was going to happen, I've seen all the hate he gets on twitter and it angers me to think that people can say all that horrible crap, that isn't true, about a guy they know practically nothing about! I suddenly jump as someone touches my shoulder and smile when I notice that its the 5 seconds of summer lads

"Hello there!" Calum says grinning

"Hey!" I say grinning in return, him and the rest of the guys suddenly have shocked looks on there faces

"You didn't fangirl" Ashton says sounding a little confused 

"Yeah don't get me wrong I love you guys but I'm not really a fangirl" I tell them laughing a little at there faces

"Thats awesome!" Luke says and I smile

"Thanks" I say

"Sooo which one of us is your favourite?" Ashton asks 

"I like you all equally!" I say and Ashton gives me a big smile

"Come on! You've got to like one of us a little bit more than the others, come on tell us please" Ashton begs making me laugh

"Okay I'll admit I do like one of you a little bit more" I admit

"And who is that?" Luke asks

"Michael" I say and once again the lads look shocked 

"You like Mikey?" Calum asks, with a weird look on his face 

"Yeah" I tell them grinning

"Well that's awesome!, isnt it Mikey" Ashton says nudging Michael who smiles shyly at me  

"Right why don't we take some pictures with this lovely lady and sign her a few things before its time to go" Luke says 

"Sounds great! Oh yeah whats your name?" Calum asks and I laugh

"Raylin Holmes" I tell them

"You have a beautiful name" Ashton says and I thank him

"Lets take this picture then!" Calum says and a man holds my camera while three of the boys crowd around me, I look over at Michael and smile

"Come on Michael" I say guestering for him to stand next to me? He slowly makes his way over and I grin as he smiles at me and the man takes the picture

"Thank you guys!" I say happily. The lads then all sign a CD and pass it to me before Ashton, Calum and Luke give me hugs.

"Michael, can I talk to you a second on your own?" I ask and he nods hesitantly.  The other boys walk away to say goodbye to some other fans as Michael walks closer to me

"Michael you know you haven't done anything to deserve the hate thay people are sending you. I just want you to know that I don't think any of it is true, your an amazing guy with some awesome singing and guitar playing skills, I don't care what anyone else says your not worthless you are amazing" I say honestly and am shocked when Michael pulls me into a big hug

"Thank you" he whispers before letting me go 

"Right before I leave I need to give you this and if you decide to read it promise me you'll wait till I've gone" I say and and he nods 

"I promise" he says and I give him one last hug before leaving the meeting area and walking back to my car. 

I really hope he reads the letter, I won't blame him if he doesn't but I hope he decides too. With that thought I put my key in and start my car up before driving back home. ○●□■○●□■○●□■○●■■○●□■○●□■○●□■○●□■○●□■○●□■○●□■○●□■○●□■○●□■○●

Hello there! So I've been kind of obsessed with 5 seconds of summer a lately, I mean come on how can you not with there gorgeous faces and amazing singing voices, and lets not forget about there awesome songs!

Yeah so I'll go fangirl about 5SOS to myself and leave you guys alone :p

Anyways, I hope you liked the first chapter even though its a bit rubbish 

Love you lots

Ariella ♡♥

His Girl (Michael Clifford/5SOS)Where stories live. Discover now