Chapter Two

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Michael's pov

I watch as Raylin walks away and then look down at the letter in my hand. What if this letter says its all a joke and she really hates me? I bet it does.

I stuff the letter into my pocket and walk over to the rest of the lads who are saying goodbye to the last fan. I stand and wait until there done, when they are they walk over to me.

"What did Raylin say to you then?" Ashton asks playfully punching my shoulder

"She told me that none of what the haters say is true" I tell them and they grin 

"See! It's not only us who've told you now" Luke says happily 

"She gave me a letter... I'm scared that if I read it, it'll say that she was joking and that she hates me like everyone else" I admit

"Just read it mate, you'll never know what she wrote unless you read it" Callum says and I sigh

"Fine" I say as I take the letter out of my pocket and open it 

Dear Michael,
I know you probably wont read this but I had to write it anyway. I see all the hate you get on twitter and it, honestly, makes me mad. You don't deserve it so don't ever think that you do. The hate is wrote by petty little girls and boys who try to break you just for fun. They don't realise that what they say has a horrible effect on people because to be honest they only think of themselves, all I'm trying to say is that you are amazing Michael, let those haters hate because when it comes down to it, its just untrue things there writing. I don't usually do this but I feel like you could use someone to talk to, other than the boys of course, so here's my number **-***-*** If you ever want to talk give me a call or even text me if you dont want to talk on the phone
Much love, Raylin

I stare at the letter in shock as my eyes trail over the words again and again

"W-what did she say?" Luke asks nervously and for the first time in ages I grin and pass the letter to Luke who reads it quickly before grinning with me and passing me the letter back

"So are you gonna call her?" He asks while Calum and Ashton look at us confused 

"I don't know Luke" I tell him honestly and he pats my back

"I think you should mate, I mean look at what she did, you actually smiled Michael! And it was a real smile not a fake one, we haven't seen you smile in months and trust me we've been trying for ages now, then this girl talks to you for five minutes and gives you a letter  and suddenly your smiling like nothing ever happened" he says and I think about everything he told me and realise he's right

"I think I will, but I might just text her for a bit first" I tell him and he smiles 

"Okay what the hell are you two on about?" Ashton asks confused

"See for youself" I tell him as I pass him the letter, him and Calum both read it before smiling widely 

"You've gotta call her mate" Calum says and I nod

"I will" I tell them and they pull me into a hug

** Later That Night ** 

I save Raylin's number in my phone and type a text to her (A/N M is Michael and R is Raylin)

M: Hey its Michael... from 5SOS

R: Hey Michael! Well this is a suprise I didn't think you'd actually read that letter

M: I'm glad I read it, you have no idea how happy it made me feel 

R: I was only stating the truth :)

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