Ch 3 the stalker

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Authors POV
Later on you and your older sister went home and it was dark but you felt like someone was watching you and you worried and scared

Frisk:lil bro you ok?you look like you seen a ghost

(Y/n):no I'm fine sis I thought I just saw something probably was a raccoon let's walk a little faster

Your sister starts to feel worried about you and scared to lose you for how much she cared for you

(???):I love it when they will try to run away but now I will later kill him at night soon

1 and half hours later

(Y/n):well sis I'm gonna go take a shower and maybe rest a bit

Frisk:k good night bro

Authors POV

(Y/n) later go to the bathroom and takes a shower but is still thinking about that dream of a girl named chara
And how all his friends and family were dead and later finish and looks in the mirror

(Y/n):well maybe I should to grillbys and get something to eat

Authors POV

Later (Y/n) went out to go to grillbys to grab a bite bcos he was hungry and wanted to walk around but little did he notice he was being followed by the figure he saw and got that feeling again

(Y/n)mind:man I still got the feeling someone is watching me

He turns around and was horrified by a girl with a bloody knife and look to have brown shorts and a green sweater like your sister and you know it was the girl from your nightmares

(???):hello (Y/n) I'm chara and your gonna suffer and die

(Y/n):oh crap well how about you don't kill me and I run and you just stay there ok bye

You start to run really fast going to grillbys to see if can help you but chara was also fast and was in your tail

Chara:ohh I love it when they get hard to kill come here you little so I can end you!!!

(Y/n)yea how about no but take this

You saw a pallet and you drop it to block chara but she just cut it in half perfectly and it disappear and was catching up to you

(Y/n):oh shit shit shit shit !!!!!!! Cmon where is grillbys place damnit when you need to find it!!!!

Later on you saw grillbys place and ran as fast as you can and came in and shut the door fast and you only saw sans and grillbys

Sans:oh hey kiddo what's wrong you look like you seen a ghost no need to be chilled down to the bone aye

Grillbys just nodded

(Y/n):sans you don't understand there is a girl that's trying to kill me shes outside I can show you

Sans:um alright kiddo I'll check bet there's a dog

You then opened the door but saw no one in sight

(Y/n):wait what she was just here earlier chasing me where she go?!

Sans:uh kiddo you ok?I think you might be just seeing things

(Y/n):no sans I'm serious what I saw was a girl with a bloody knife that looks my sister but with a green sweater

Sans start knew what you meant but didn't say anything about it

Sans:well kiddo maybe it was just some people jogging you probably should go home and rest ok

(Y/n):maybe your right sans I just need rest we'll see ya sans

Sans:see ya kiddo

Authors POV
Sans later then sat down again and start to worry if chara is back now

Grillbys:sans are you ok you look terrified

Sans:nah I'm good grillby

Later in the alley way

Chara:well that was close damnit I almost had him well maybe later in he won't be lucky I'll get him sooner and kill him

Later on

Chara starts to laugh insanely and smile like a Yandere

To be continued

Hello everyone I hope you enjoyed the story so far and what you think will happens next find out later on and peace out everyone

Undertale older sister frisk x little brother x team rwby x Neo reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now