Chapter 2

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I narrowed my eyes on him a bit, taking in his appearance. He looked oddly familiar, maybe I've seen him around on campus. Actually, admittedly he was one of those really good looking guys around here, of course he'd attract some eyes. He seemed legit worried but I wasn't buying it. "No thank you," I rejected and started walking faster. To my dismay, he followed after me.

"Come on, any longer out there and you're gonna get hypothermia," he persisted. "I'm pretty sure you don't want to die because of this."

I couldn't help but let out a scoff and roll my eyes. "I'm not going to get hypothermia," I said as the icy water splashed on my numbing face. "You're being over-dramatic. I'm almost home anyway." At least I hope so. I can't really tell anymore with this weather.

"Hey, it's a possibility," he shrugged. "My offer still stands."

"And my answer still stands," I mimicked his tone, adding a bit of sass to deter him. A free ride would be nice right now but I'm not that desperate, unless it was a friend. But considering what just happened, I'm having some trust issues right now, even if it is a friend. The only trustworthy person now was over at her parent's house for the weekend.

The boy shrugged, a little indifferently if I might add. "Fine, be that way." With that, he rode off. As I watched his black Chevy Cobalt ride away, I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach. Half of me kind of regretted that, I would've gotten home to my warm, soft bed quicker...but the more rational part of me told me that I made the right decision because I could be in a horrible prison if I let a stranger take me in his car. Yeaaah I was not about that.

After five more minutes of walking, I was beginning to grow unbearably tired. The rain has severely weakened me. Maybe the guy was right and I was getting hypothermia after all. I dug my fingernails into my arms, trying to push myself through. My feet were now dragging across the pavement. Suddenly the ground seemed tempting. If I could just sit down for a bit to rest, I don't think it would hurt much. I'm already soaked to the bone so it wouldn't matter if I stayed out a little longer, and I have a pretty strong immune system.

My foot caught a crack in the pavement and I tripped. I'll be down on the ground for a while once my fall stops.

...My fall does stop, but the strange thing was that I didn't feel my body hit anything hard and painful. In fact I landed pretty softly. I blinked my eyes to get rid of the exhaustion. "I have great timing, don't I?"

The voice jolted me awake and I finally realize that I'm in the arms of...that boy from the car! I hastily tried to back away but did it too quickly and my knees began to buckle again.

"Geez, you're a little klutzy, huh?" He said, holding me up, a soft laugh followed his words.

"I'm not," I weakly argued. Gritting my teeth, I stabled myself on my legs. One of his arms was still wrapped around my waist, letting me lean against his side while his other held an umbrella above us. "What are you doing here?" I asked, confused.

He raised an eyebrow, "Did you really think I was gonna leave you out here alone in the storm?" So his concern was genuine after all. "So I left my car at my place then ran all the way back here to you."

"That was really quick," I said suspiciously.

"After I left you, I just had to drive for another minute before I was home. Getting back to you on foot just took a lot longer 'cause of the rain."

I decided to accept his reasoning. If his home is close, then that meant I should be just another five minutes away from mine.

Now I felt uncomfortable with his response to my decline. "You didn't have to," I mumbled guiltily.

I Fell Sick in the Rain, But I Also Fell in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now