Chapter 4 tal vs y/n

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(A/n: The last time we left off raven and tal started dating y/n did not seem to like this one bit what will happen now?)

Ravens pov 

Me: So you like me Y/n?

Y/n: I did but your happy with tal.

Me: Y/n...

(Y/n runs off leaving raven astounded he walks into his teams dorm and grabs his things then he sees them all coming back tal sees pissed they all see  y/n with his bag tal runs up to y/n and trys to hit him but before he cant y/n hits him right up side the jaw knocking tal over.) 

Y/n: Wow did you all come to say goodbye?

Summer: No we came to stop you

Qrow: yeah man your our friend we wont let you go

me: y/n please dont leave.

Y/n: oh but then tal comes and trys to punch me welp only one thing to do.

Tal gets back up and trys to hit y/n again but y/n grabs his hand and twists it y/n then says something that spooks tal a little

Y/n: well then the claws are coming out...

(Y/n pops his claws and rush tal stabbing him in his right arm. tal trys to throw a left hook but y/n catches it and throws him back. He then rush tal stabbing him in the leg tal trys to punch y/n and gets a hit off but y/n seems even more pissed as for the bullet wounds they heal almost instantly y/n the stabs tal in his other leg. tal stands up and trys to rush y/n but y/n was ready as he stabs tal in the gut. y/n then walks off leaving us)

Y/ns pov

I walk down the street but then i hear a little girls voice i turn and see a girl that looks like x23 

Larua: Brother! 

She hugs me and i hug her back we then stop hugging and i start to walk off but her being my sister and follows

Laura: Where are we going now brother

Y/n: We are gonna prove that we dont need an academy to be a heroes.

Right at that moment a bald man in a wheel chair comes out along with a few other people they smile at me a Laura we smile back

???: Hello Y/n l/n i am Charles Xavier i would like you to come to my school for gifted youngsters 

Y/n then smirks Laura smiles knowing that this is the man that trained dad you both nod and follow Charles.

Time skip to the school for gifted youngsters 

Laura's pov

Me and my brother have been training for a few months now but y/n has been alot more happy now that he knows Charles they always talk about dad i join in sometimes but mostly its y/n and Charles but y/n loves the school and so do i.

Y/n: Hey prof how ya doing?

Charles: I'm good y/n you know your like your father in this way always checking up on me.

Me: Brother!

I rush into my brothers arms and he hugs me me and y/n both can tell that its gonna be a great life here in this school 

time skip a few years

(A/n i know thats a stretch but hey its fun ill see you in the next one guys have a great day :))

When the claws come out (Raven branwen x wolverine male reader)Where stories live. Discover now