Did that really just happen?

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(Alex's POV)

"Alex will you marry me?"
I couldn't stop smiling. Did that really just happen? Piper had really just asked me to marry her. She had actually chosen me. I realised that she was still waiting for me to answer her. I was overcome with happiness and if it had just been Piper and myself alone I would've jumped on her, screamed yes and fucked her like there was no tomorrow but we were surrounded by 8 other inmates in this shithole in the middle of a riot so I held back. I settled for "I figured that's what you were doing..." I paused. "... and, yes." I smiled immediately and the grin on Piper's face told me she was truly happy and she really did love me. My love for her has spanned over a decade, without faltering, yes we've been through really bad rough patches but in the words of Pipes 'we're doomed to be together' and boy was I glad of that fact. Piper jumped towards me and we kissed for a very long time only breaking it to come up for air, neither of us cared if we were being watched by our makeshift family who were now cheering their congratulations to us.
"Oh get a room you two." I heard Nicky say. I lifted my glasses to the top of my head and raised an eyebrow at her, "Oh we plan to once we get out of this hellhole." I smirked at her and flirtatiously glanced at Piper. "Ew, I regret I said anything." Nicky replied.

The riot was a tiring thing. After I had said yes Piper fell asleep in my arms, well, arm, clearly exhausted from her joy at our engagement and tiresome riot activities. I chuckled as I remembered her sweet memorial installation that she passed around the whole prison to remember Poussey who this whole thing was dedicated to. Nicky came up to me clearly thinking about what happened in the janitor's closet when Piper goaded Piscatella. "Hey so Vause, congratulations man. Never thought you'd get hitched but as I said before, you two are in a whole new play, clearly in love." I smiled and looked lovingly down at the now sleeping Piper resting her head on my chest as I stroked her hair with my one remaining hand. "Thank you Nichols. Me too but Piper is special. It has always only been her." I reply. I couldn't stop thinking about how lucky I was, she was mine, forever. Nichols pulled me out of my thoughts suddenly; "So she's good with her tongue huh? Mind if I test that theory?" She said winking at me and giving MY Piper a lustful look. "UM YES, Nichols. I DO! She is, she's very good, but now that she's MY fiancé only I have these privileges. No. One. Else." I growled whilst trying to hold back a laugh. Nicky may have been my friend but Piper was mine and mine alone. She had already been snatched from me by two other people before, Nicky may have been kidding but no one was taking Piper from me again. No one. I wasn't a possessive person unless it came to a few people. One whose name began with S for reasons I thought were reasonable. She made me doubt myself because she was capable of making Piper cheat on me, albeit briefly. If Piper chose someone else, while it would hurt me deeply, I would let her go. I almost did with Larry but now that she has chosen me and in a way put a ring on it it's no game anymore. Unlike Larry I plan to keep it this way and what makes me happier is so does Piper.

Hours later, Piper had woken up oblivious to Nicky's desire for her and my protective nature of her shining through again, we were plotting what we should do about the other event at hand. The riot. I say to Piper sarcastically, "The real tragedy is that we're going to die before we can fight over the wedding cake." To which she replied, "Okay. I know sarcasm is your thing and I want to love and accept all parts of you but can you please not make jokes about dying right now?" I chuckled internally. Only Pipes would've known how to answer my sarcasm perfectly. So I suggested to the whole group if we surrender they may go slightly easy on us while admitting us hiding down here may have given them the wrong impression. We lined up and held hands to make ourselves seem less threatening. Suddenly an explosion blew away the wall and the SWAT team came to take us away.

"ON YOUR KNEES INMATES WITH YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEAD!" They shouted as they busted into the bunker. Piper spoke up in my behalf; "Hey, my fiancé has a broken arm thanks to one of you people, who, by the way tortured us! Do you REALLY think she can put both hands on her head?!" Oh Piper, how I love when you get sassy and annoyed. It's such a turn on. I found myself with a raised eyebrow and that look I had that meant I wanted to take her and fuck her right there and then but obviously this wasn't the right time. 'Stop it Alex. Not the time.' I told myself even though it would've been the perfect time had we not been trapped in the middle of a riot in fucking prison. Damn. What a way to spend our first evening as an engaged couple.
At this they had calmed their tone but were still rough with us.
"Okay she can put one hand behind her head, that good for you princess?" This pissed me off. "HEY! Only I get to call her that!" There goes my protectiveness of her again.
They then started bellowing at us again.
Piper and I sat next to each other, while Nicky sat with Red, Taystee sat with Suzanne, Blanca with Gloria and Cindy and Frieda sat together. We were handcuffed and led to Max in the van they always use. I made sure I was glued to Piper, grabbing her hand and squeezing it. I leaned in to her just enough for only her to hear and the officers not to notice. "I love you Pipes. This may be a shitty situation but at least we get to stay together and at Litchfield unlike the other unlucky girls."

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