Chapter 1

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"You Guys are a really cool band."
Oh yes?
Did our dear Mr. Biersack suffer from a sentimental attack on his old days, of which he spent at an evening with me at the bar?
Of course, with our Darkness Kills tour including fornication, we hit the bull's eye completely, the fan masses were extremely happy with our music and last but not least our performance.
But what exactly did he mean by 'cool Band'?
These two words in combination allowed for a lot of different interpretations, so I was not spared, my "Oh yes?" but not before I had another sip of the Jack Daniels in the glass before me approved.
"Well," the good man then started, rocking his head with a smile, then he sipped at his glass as well and let his gaze glide over the still present fans, who now and then demand an autograph or photo request. "I think it's amazing how you ... well, how you treat each other, even on stage, you're totally comradely, you really do not have to talk about the background, do you?"
"Oh, that just comes with the time," I gave myself very modestly, but smiled contentedly to myself. "Your band is still young, and the way you've gone through Blaschke's nipples, you seem to be on the right path."
Then Andy laughed hoarsely, clearly aware that the alcohol had long since found its way into the bloodstream of the completely black man.
What was so funny about that?
All I had said was a fact, and it was an undeniable fact that there was no saving on the gay side of this first concert together.
But I have already been told that I had forgotten to take my own nose.
Even though I did the latter, I did not find much to understand.
I was not a Pinocchio, but when I say that fornication was higher up in the Gaymeter, it was a living lie.

"You pulled Ricky by the hair, and he liked it," Andy announced his observations beaming and gurgling. "And he kissed your hand that you put in your pants, I have to say, your duet was really cute."
I hated to hear the word 'cute' from a guy who always had a silly, girlish touch about it.
Besides, our duet was by no means sweet; Every person with eyes in their heads had noticed that we exaggerated excessively.
Since my tongue kiss with Aj was less than fake to identify ... lucky that my counterpart knew nothing about it, nor did he know the intimate moment with Vinny, who had taken place a long, long time when the Drummer had short hair.
But I should not indulge in beautiful as well as less beautiful memories.
To start countering was now my task, even if the alcohol made the clear thinking a little more difficult.
"No one comes up against you nipple heroes so fast, that was over gay."
For sure ! ", But my argument was shattered, which made me reorder a Jack out of frustration, my third that night.
"Oh, do you want to bet that I'm more gay than you? You lose the bet. 100 percent ."
And again, Biersack had his funny, hateful smile face in store, the hand, which massaged his chin superior, added to the eerie effect in addition.
"No, I believe much more that, although you are all so close together, you can not get everyone to bed."
"Oh, yes," I hastily corrected the claim. "Give the boys Alk and they'll do anything for you."
"As far as I know, they are all straight, so I'll bet you can not make it all four."
"I bet the opposite," I said with determination.
"Well then, hit me."
My Ego was packed.
I vigorously shook Andys hand and swore I could see a twinkle in his eye as I agreed to play the final concert of the Tour in clothes from my The Pleasures times, but was equally pleased with the almost-impossible losing of the bet me that I could earn a fuffi for my almost sure win.
But just a few minutes later, when I emptied my Jack, I realized what I had actually entered.
I was supposed to endanger the bondage by pulling all four people into the box to do things that made me feel rather repugnant than stimulating.
But now I was trapped in this nasty contract, in this bet with hefty consequences and I had to see that I won, after all, I had no desire to jump in the pink Tütü across the stage and swing my wand in front of the world.
Okay, the latter was pretty ambiguous and I had to put the fact into It didn't see, that said, that I had to swing my wand, one way or the other.
Just because my stupid ambition again 'here, here!' Nocturnal nightmares would now plague me, in which Andy was lighted from below with a flashlight and a wicked grin of himself.
"If I were you, I'd start," Andy said, and I was glad to be able to run away, though I'd rather spend the night making plans instead of one of mine Assassinate bandmates.
That was not allowed to happen so spontaneously.
Although I realized that at least one of the four would be an easy victim.
But the longer I thought about it, the more absurd the story seemed to me.

Even no alcohol used anything; A short while later, I was anxiously lying in my bunk and wailed heartbreakingly:
Bring me my pink The Pleasures costume! Tomorrow I'll happily trumpet 'Juicy Jacuzzi, let's fool around'. "
Of course, a short time later Ricky poked his head through the curtains and inquired whether everything was clear with me.
"I just shoveled my grave, but otherwise I'll be fine," I ironed, sighing deeply.
And turning directly to the young man with the long black hair: "Ricky, my child, I hope you bring your sweet ass to safety, preferably tonight, otherwise bad things will happen to you."
Probably the guy thought that Jack was to blame for my misery, so he did not care about me and certainly not heeded my advice.

I felt deep pity for this poor soul.

For me, though, it was time to count on sex four times and do an analysis, no matter how the boys would react to my strange, sudden mating season.
Because when I listened deep into myself, I heard my inner voice whimper softly whether the Kitsch costume, which was much better stored in the shallows of my closet than on my body.

I had to go through this.
Also, because I did not want to give Biersack a triumph

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