1. No Place to Go

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  "How many more times you gonna treat me like you do?"


A.N.: One of my absolute favourite songs by Howlin' Wolf, seriously listen to it. ♥️

Brian opened his eyes and was greeted by soft sunlight. It warmed his still tired body as he snuggled under the covers once more. The presence of somebody else in his bed didn't surprise him too much, even if he had no recollection of her. Maybe the strange hotel maid had changed her mind about what she wanted and had come back to him and who was he to complain? She was a pretty thing and he didn't mind a distraction before he had to leave and face reality. He reached out for her under the covers and pulled her sweet body closer to him. Her fragrance was surprisingly sweet- perfumed probably, so unlike the mysterious air she had about her. He imagined her to smell like some exotic spice or some fragrance he had never smelt before... But maybe that had only been wishful thinking and she was the same like everyone else, after all she had come to his room to sleep with him in the end as well. He sighed as she turned around and Brian had to hide his surprise for a moment. She was a pretty thing, but not the hotel maid.

"Did you have a good night?" She asked and giggled slightly as she put her hand on his chest in a probably meant to be seductive manner. Brian found her only annoying though. The hotel maid had something intriguing and mysterious about her, whereas this girl just seemed air-headed with a nice package. He had seen tons of those girls in his life and never had they held his interest for very long. They were only good for one single thing: To pass some time with.

"Sure, it was nice, but you should leave now," he told her and pushed her hand away from his chest. It was better to be direct with this type of girl or they'll never get it and Brian had her stay with him for the rest of the day.

She pouted. "But Bri, you wanted to spend the whole day with me and take me shopping!"

Brian understood less and less. His memory loss could be linked to whatever he had decided to take yesterday night, but her dialog fitted nowhere into such a scenario. What the hell had happened, he wondered as he sat up, only to realise the room he woke up in, was not his hotel room. 

"Where the hell am I?" he exclaimed and out of reflex moved away from the girl. The cover had slid down and Brian could see her naked upper body, but was too freaked out to appreciate a nice pair of breasts- at least for a moment. As the girl sat up and gave him an even better view of her body, he gave it a more throughout inspection. It raised his mood, but didn't make his irritation completely disappear.

"Your home, dummie."

"This-I..." Brian fell silent. He simply didn't know what to reply. The bedroom looked like it could  belong to him- the furniture, the painting on the walls, the clothes on the floor, but never in his life had he seen any of it. What the hell was going on, he wondered and quickly got out of bed and nearly fell over his own two feet in the process.

"Bri, what's wrong with you?" The girl asked worriedly, but Brian had no interest in her and instead looked for his clothes, which was easier said than done. There were clothes all over the floor but none looked like the things he had worn yesterday. He didn't even recognise them, but they at least seemed like something he would wear. In the end he just randomly put a pair of trousers and shirt on. Usually he spend more time on his choice, but he was still too occupied with the issue of where he was to bother to dress up.

"We didn't drink that much yesterday. Mick was a bit drunk, but you seemed fine," the girl added. Her voice laced with worry or maybe it was a similar confusion that haunted Brian.

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