The Window

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As Ash looks out the window she sees a shadowy figure and knows it isn't Leora coming to study with her. This shadowy figure looks dark and sulky and Leora is all cheerful and Skippy. Ash blinks to see if she is just seeing things but sure enough the figure is still there.
Ash calls Leora to see if she is on her way. But there was no answer. Ash tries calling her again but she still doesn't answer. Ash starts to get nervous and is really suspicious that the shadow may have to do with Leora. Ash calls Leora one more time and this time she answers.
"I have been trying to reach you for hours" Ash says.
"No you haven't, but I have something to show you, I will be right over. " Leora said.
When Leora gets to Ash's house she takes out a beautiful orb and shows it to Ash. Ash is amazed of it.
"Where did you get it?" Asks Ash in a confused tone.
"This one was on your doorstep. But this one is mine." Leora says as she pulls out another orb from her pocket. Ash is so amazed at this now that she could easily faint. In fact, that is exactly what she did.
When Ash woke up she was in the hospital. "Why am I in here." Ash thought. Leora came in and said " You are in here because you usually never faint. And I usually don't have to worry about you. The doctor said it was because you had high blood pressure." Ash was surprised but also understanding. When the doctor released Ash, Ash asked for the orb.
Leora gave Ash the orb. Ash decided to bring it to school with her the next day to show her friends. Leora thought that they should just leave the orbs hidden so they don't get stolen. Why can't we just bring them to school. Ash thought. By the way Ash's face was Leora knew that Ash really wanted to bring the orb to school. Leora finally said "Fine you can bring the orb to school, but it isn't my fault if you lose it." Ash knew the consequences so she couldn't blame it on Leora.

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