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We're fighting robots or Daryl to be precise and KO can't seem to land a punch but Daryl could

KO went flying and I jumped high enough to catch him

Rad saved me and KO with his levating powers levating me in his arms as I hold KO

"Need a hand?"

"Thanks Rad you're-"

He cuts me off

"I know I know, I'm your knight in shining armor, the best of the best, the biseps and the triceps-"

Enid speeds past Rad taking me with her but leaving KO with him

Enid power kicks Daryl multiple times and finally ends it with a hit of the elbow

"Now that's how a true knight in shining armor fights"

Rad mumbles to himself
"Show off...."

"Rad you're missing the action!!"

He sets KO down on his head levating into the fight

We destroy Daryl

"Good job employees! I will now praise your acts of heroism!! Enid, very good foot and eye coordination as always. Rad, well done saving that small child with your finger beam. Great improvement from you both!! KO and Y/n...good hussle out there. Now get this cleaned up"

He handed me a broom and KO the dust pan

We looked at eachother  sadly

"Alright team, break!"

We start cleaning as the other two walk away

"Good hussle...good hussle?!"

"Why do we get good hussle?? I helped too!"

"Yeah! I want power!!"
I throw the broom out of anger and a dark figure catches it

"So it's power you both want, eh?"

"Oh, sorry mister. We kinda didn't see you over there."

"Nevermind that, what matters is that I see you."

He points the broom at us and KO takes it

"More importantly I see something inside you both that no one else sees"

"What's that??"

"The great power that already courses through your veins"

"It does..?"

"Locked up tight within you is more strength then all of your little friends combined, would you like me to show you how to unleash it?"


"Of course just think of me as a friend showing you a secret short cut"

"Idk, what do you hink Ko?"
I turn to him

"Hm sounds great!"

I nod and happily jum he ditch help KO cross it

We walk the path but I stop and turn back to the stranger

"Wait...we don't even know who you are mister."

"Of course how silly of me let me step out of these shadows here take my card"

I take it and give it to KO
"Wow level 8! You must know all about power."

He looks strangely familar too

We went with our new friend sitting across from him

"The secrets to unlocking your true powers is your anger"

Ok Ko Let's Be Heros (reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now