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  • Dedicated to Alicia

dedicated to alicia, beause your addiction to justin timberlake brought on this idea.

the waiting room was empty and cold as raleigh sat in the plastic chair. her eyes would dart from one side of the room to the other when a door would slam open. she was anticipating the arrival of the doctor who had her life in his hands.

her best friend. totally knocked out as someone would refer it to. he wasn’t even doing anything to deserve it. someone felt the need to approach him and pulverize him. the door to her left opened to reveal the doctor she was looking for, her friend with brown eyes following him in the white colored room. raleigh jumped up from her seat and engulfed liam in her arms.

“he’ll be okay, right?” she questioned the doctor as he looked up from his clipboard.

“liam will certainly be alright,” he said, “we just have to finish analyzing his x-rays and then he’s free to go.”

they moved to the far back of the hospital, raleigh immediately turning her chair to examine liam’s current state.

“mind telling me why someone felt the need to beat you to a pulp?” she took his calloused hands and squeezed them, earning the anticipated squeeze in return. he took this chance to snicker at raleigh’s concern.

“you know very well that i will survive.” liam pulled away from her grip and lifted his hand up to twirl her curly hair with his index finger. she fell into bliss as his fingers worked his way through her hair. she lived for the little moments like these with liam. raleigh was completely infatuated with him for god’s sake. even though she and liam had been the best of friends since way back when, their relationship just happened to work out.

“rae? rae they finished my x-rays, we can go now…”

rae blinked a couple times, trying to regain consciousness. she was falling asleep whilst thinking. she stood up, assisting liam as they walked to her car. the silence was irritating and rae couldn’t stand the fact that liam should’ve been talking about how he even got in a fight in the first place.

“what happened?” she gave up on waiting and finally started the conversation on her own. liam looked at her and shook his head.

“you don’t want to know rae, really.”

“yeah i kind of do so you might want to start talking.”

“you’re going to go insane if you figure out.”


“it’s been happening for a while now.”

“why won’t you tell me who keeps doing this?”

“because it’s you rae. you’re the one doing this.”

the world began to crash around rae at his words. how could she be possibly causing this distress? what could she be doing? she loved liam with every fiber and bone in her body. what the hell could he be talking about?

“you were high again,” liam began to explain; “i can’t bear to fight back.”

“liam you should’ve stopped me.”

“rae you and i both know how hard it is for me to tell someone to stop.”

“you should though. you shouldn’t let me do this.”

“how do i stop you? you’re a completely different person on drugs rae.”

“stop telling me that!”

“why don’t you stop rae?! stop with your sick drug addictions and just take a couple seconds to think about the other half of this relationship!”

rae stopped talking after that. she stopped breathing. she stopped loving liam almost instantly.

“rae i didn’t mean that—“

“if you don’t love me and my drugs,” she started, “then you don’t get either of them.”

“rae there’s nothing to love about drugs, you can stop. you can get help.”

“i don’t want help damn it! why don’t you just sod off?!”

“why don’t you?!”


she leaned off the car and left liam standing alone by his car in the cold winter air.

liam’s heart hurt. his head hurt, his arms hurt, and oh his everything hurt for god’s sake. he didn’t know how to handle rae anymore. he couldn’t. liam was emotionally and physically exhausted.

“i’m done,” he slurred quietly to himself. liam stumbled into his car before driving away from the hospital.

“this isn’t the girl i used to know anymore.”

-a month passes by-

local resident raleigh schaller was killed in an accident on february 16th in the middle of the day. the drive was presumed to be drunk, and raleigh was supposed to be heading to rehab. raleigh was noted to have a drug problem. more information on the demise coming soon.


to say the least, liam was crushed. absolutely wrecked. when the new about raleigh had reached him he was in the middle of dinner with his new girlfriend, sophia smith. sophia was a lovely girl, a perfect fit for liam. but he knew secretly that raleigh was the only one that could fill that gap in his heart.

when he heard ab out her passing everything imploded on him. he fell out of his chair and laid in a fetal position. as stupid as it looked, it was only out of pure pain and horror. someone he knew and loved with everything he had, was gone.

the funeral was worse. she was everywhere. in his head, around the church, in the damn casket, everywhere. raleigh was haunting him.

he was asked to speak at the funeral but he quickly refused. he wanted anything but talking about the girl he brutally broke up with, and then watched her get run over by a pick-up truck.

he actually missed seeing her come home drunk or high or just pissed off.

and then there were those rare times when she’d come home sober.  a bright smile would be on her face as she’d jump into liam’s arms and kiss him until she had no more energy left to do so.

he loved those days.

he loved her.

he loved rae.

but he didn’t love her completely.

does that mean he never loved her?

no, he did.

the drunk side of a person really isn’t a person per say; it’s a nightmare. an uncontrollable nightmare that liam eventually had to wake up from. he just wish he had handled it a different way. he had to give rae credit though; she hit him pretty hard. physically and mentally.

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