The lost

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Sorry just a quick a/n
I am sorry if this story becomes a little dark.
School has been sending me into a coma of stress and depression. Which is Also starting to make me a tad darker and ever suicidal. With the mix of people family stuff and constant homework. It is only getting worse.
So for anyone who reads this thanks enjoy the story I will try not to let it affect this in any shape or form ❤️


'Last night was amazing. He was amazing. Probably the best I had ever had.' Those were the only thoughts running through my head. "God why does he have to be so perfect" I whispered. I guess he must of heard. "I never knew I was perfect" I started to turn a faint shade of pink. He started rolling over. " I would like to know why you are so perfect yourself" his groggy voice making me turn a deep shade of red. I was starting to wonder if my long lost twin was the mystical tomato 🍅 until I realised he called me perfect. Perfect. " wow geez I have no idea but I am deffinately not perfect." I pouted. " well than you are close to perfect" he said readjusting his position. " wow I am lost for words thank you" at this point I gave up on hiding my blush. I look him in the eyes gave him a peck on the mouth and burried my head into should bone. I loved his touch so much. If I died the last thing I would like to feel is his touch. It is so intoxicating yet addictive. We stayed my head in his shoulder bone for quite some time til I heard a familiar voice.
" SAAAAANNNNSSS I THE GREAT PAPYRUS HAS BROUGHT HOME SOME SPEGETTI" this voice yelled as if trying to wake up the whole neighbour hood. "Shit I thought he would be out at least until lunch" sans mumbled.

Sans POV

"Shit I thought he would be out at least until lunch" was all I could manage say. Y/n seem shocked yet calm he was here. "How are we going to explain this?" She said in a soft yet concerned whisper. " maybe we can get away with you stayed late and decided it would be best to sleep over here." She nodded and off we went to see the spaghetti obsessed creature.

Time skip Brought to you by spegetti obsession

We ate, talked, and explained that y/n stayed the night. It was going quite well he didnt become suspicious and thank god he didn't because that would be one INTERESTING story.

After a couple hours of talking y/n decided she best be off. I hate to see her leave but I love the view 😏. After we exchanged goodbyes I went to my sex chamber. Not to do anything but to rest which definitely a change from the usual. Instead of one of my cringy ass dreams I got a bunch of noises. The noises sounded distraught. While the nightmare noises continues some hands with holes through the palms appeared. It was like the creature was trying to say something like sign language but it was different. There has always been the myth ' beware the man who speaks with hands' I have been told many things , ranging from it was a science experiment gone wrong then others saying he is your lost father. I think these hands are saying something though and I must find a way to decode it. One way or another I will find out who you are father or not.

I am pretty happy with this to be honest. Hope you guys enjoyed my little lusties ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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