Lucy walked into the guild at 11 sharp she hated being late she saw erza natsu and gray at a table she walked over
"You guys ready"lucy asked they all nodded and left
When they reached the training hall natsu turned to lucy"alright show us you magic
"Im only going to show 2 right now like i showed erza"lucy said like yesterday she made a hammer with ice anf flsmed her hand and for good measures requiped natsu and gray just stared at them their mouths agape at what they just
Gray was the first one to snap out of it "what in the world"lucy just laughed
Then natsu snapped out of it"cooooool"he squealed
Lucy smiled"should i show you something but your going to have to trust me okay?"lucy asked
"Okay"they said in unison lucy pointed her hand at them and they started to float
"Wow"was their response as they looked around amd then she placed them on the ground
Lucy and erza walked over"see why she couldn't exacly tell you"
"Yh how did you get all thoses powers anyway"gray asked lucy
Lucy shrugged"im not really sure to be honest i just have them"she said
"Alright do you guys want to train with us"erza asked
"Heck yh im all fired up"natsu yelled
"Sure why not"gray said
"All right natsu your first fire at me with everything you got and try ti stay on your feet"lucy told natsu
"Heh no problem"natsu said
"Just wait"erza whispered to gray and he nodded
Natsu fired at lucy with evrything he had only to be sent flying at at another flame hit his he looked up and noticed lucy didn't even move or sweat whatsoever
"Alright gray your up next"lucy said and gray walked over"alright we sre both going to choose a wepon who ever breaks whos wepon first win when gray nodded lucy summend a hammer and gray a spear luchly broke his no problem and gray looked dumbfounded
"Erza"lucy called and erza walked over"you lnow what to do"erza nodded and they carried on doing what they were doing yesterday it continued all of them having turns like that for 8 hours like yesterday then they dicided to go back to the guild
They walked into a guild and sat at a table"good training guys"lucy told them
"I still cannot believe you were holding back all that time"erza told lucy
"You were holding back"they both yelled horrified and lucy nodded her head
"I dont want to know whats it luke unleash your true power"gray said
"Yh"lucy said memories flooding in her head about when she lost control snd killed someone dear to her
"Alright im going home to have a shower"erza said standing lucy nodded in agreement and natsu and gray left as well
I hope you enjoyed i dont own fairy tail

Found by fate
Teen FictionIn Fairy tail a new member has joined no one has ever seen her face not ever the master they only know her name-lucy- they dont know what magic she uses she only goes on jobs by herself people try talk to her but she just leaves until on day at the...