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One two three okay..... HERE WE GO!!

To start with, I'm all new to this so I might not be good at this PLEASE don't expect too much. Next, English is my second language, so yeah there might be a few grammar mistakes and errors in sentence structures but please bear up with it.

Once I'm done with the writing I'll do the editing and finally, please feel free to let me know what you think about this story, but I hope you will not rub it on my face :D please don't be rude, after all it doesn't KILL YOU to use a few kind words to say all the bad things you want to say :P . ^_^

Thank you. So I hope we will turn out to be good friends from this day forth.
Please check the trailer to your right! :)




I shakily stood up from the bench I was crouched for so long, I couldn't feel my legs anymore. They were numb, like my heart, I thought bitterly. I swayed a little, trying to regain my balance and there he stood, like a dream, looking at me, eyes filled with concern.

I gazed at him as my vision blurred with warm tears, and trailed down my pale cheeks. I marveled how it could be; to cry so much in one night and yet there was no end to my silent mourning. It makes me so vulnerable, every time I remember, a slash of white hot pain cuts through my already wounded heart. I clutched the fabric of my tee shirt above my heart, as a spasm of pain seared into my heart once again.

I desperately want to run to him, hit him as much as my strength would let me, and scream at him with every fibre of my soul. Everything..every single thing he had ever told me was not true. I expected him to burst out laughing and ruffle my hair and say that everything was a ruse. A lie. Then, I would yell at him for playing this horrible joke on me and later we would both laugh about this for years to come.

I want to physically hurt him very much. Do something horrible so that he can feel what I have to suffer because of him, but would it ease my shattered heart? Am I the selfish one here? Since the day we set eyes on each other, everything I had done was for my happiness. It was always me and my heart and he went along with it. Do I have the right to feel sorry for myself?

Those hazel eyes of his are so serious tonight. They held a shimmer of moisture that reminded me of the (smoky brown quartz ring he gave me). His eyes captured the pain he has endured all these years. For me. He put up with everything for me. I need to be a decent human being and be selfless for at least once. For him. Because of him. To him.

I took a deep breath to calm my throbbing head and wiped my tearstained cheeks. Boy, I must be a sight to behold! I looked at him, and flashed a reassuring smile, "So! How lucky can I be?".

He stared at me. He couldn't comprehend me, I assumed. I started to twirl my hair so that I could ignore his inquiring gaze. I was not in a mood for 'the talk' now, my heart was just ripped from my chest tonight, there's no need for it to be stomped on. I waved my hand, as if to brush the question that lingered above our heads like a dark cloud, and muttered, "Forget it."

He walked towards me; his steps laced with caution of being rejected again. He approached me like I was a startled, wounded gazelle that would dash away with one wrong move. I understand. I really do, and I accept all the blame. Had I listened to him, I would not be here crying over my dying heart.

I sat on the cold wooden bench, drenched from the heavy rain. My thoughts wandered clueless. Confused. Lost. My vacant eyes searched for something that I could focus on rather than on him approaching me, catlike. He sighed as he sat next to me, and chuckled sadly. I looked up at him.

"You always had that in you".

"Had what?", I asked warily.

"The ability to make everything look so simple, so easy." ,he declared. I laughed humorlessly. "It was for you,", he started, "I went that far. For you."

His face told me so much his words could never begin to describe. I realized how hurt he was, like me. I shuddered involuntarily as I saw in my mind's eye what I put ourselves into. I wrapped my cold arms around me in an attempt to ward off the horrible memories. I could feel that he wanted to hug me and console me with promises that we both knew by this time, had no truth. Tears clouded my eyes again. I looked down hoping he might not see them, as they daintily dotted my blue jeans. I see how hard it is for him to bind all feelings that he felt for me. He was struggling. Like me. He did not weep like me, but his eyes, their transparency let me into his vortex of pain.

Thunder rumbled and broke us from our reverie. I looked at him as he was lost in thought, staring into the dark woods, as if it held all the answers to our problems.

As I stared at him, I realized saw how this burden had worn him down. A sense of shame crawled into my withered heart. I had never noticed the damage this battle had wrecked upon him. I was too worried about my heart, my life, my love. I closed my eyes as a fresh wave of tears threatened to fall from my face. I felt the uneasy sense of butterflies rising up in the pit of my stomach. I swallowed hard and covered my face with my hands.

"I don't feel the same way, Taylor. You won't believe how badly I want to tell you otherwise. We had our beautiful dream that was meant to be someday. I hope you could forgive me."



Hope you enjoyed the prologue. Keep reading I love you. <3 Edited by beautiful baby Krishoby Periyasamy. Thankyou angel you are the encouragement I always needed. 

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