Marrying A Wanna-be Nun

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Marrying A Wanna-be Nun
By Nicholaa Spencer

Copyright 2014 Nicholaa Spencer
Smashwords Edition

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For Jeremy




“Uncle”, a child with long curly hair and bonny face called out as she approached a priest sitting under an oak tree just behind the church. This little girl’s face was wet with tears and her nose and cheeks were reddish. The priest watched her take a seat beside him.
“Now, now, bambina. What happened today?” the priest asked in a concerned voice. Padre Fabian is the parish priest of Santuario della Madonna del Divino Amore in Via Ardeatina in Rome, and the little child sobbing beside him is his niece.
“We had an activity today at school, and the teacher asked everyone about their parents’ job. I said you are a priest, and they all laughed at me.” The child answered, her crying becoming even louder. The priest closed the Bible he was reading and faced her.
“Well, they laughed because they know that your father’s job is not a priest. Your father is a famous businessman in America.” Padre Fabian explained in a soft voice. He did not want to crush the child’s morale even more by telling her that having a priest for a father is the real reason why the other children made fun of her. He had already reminded the little girl so many times that he is not her father, but his brother, Marcus, who is a business tycoon in the US.
“Teacher said that a father takes care of the children, so you are my father, because you take care of me.” The child reasoned. Padre Fabian felt pity for his niece. She was once a pampered princess, who lived in a beautiful mansion full of servants at her disposal, and homeschooled by a Harvard University professor to ensure that she gets the best education there is. Now, she is the talk of the town of Via Ardeatina, the center of evil gossips and jokes, and he cannot do much to prevent her from getting hurt.
“Alynna child, there was once a woman named ‘Magdalene’, who was laughed upon by everyone because she was a...she had an unusual job. Bad people say terrible things toward her, and just when they were about to throw stones at her, someone came to her aid and -”
“Was that Jesus? He always comes to save the day. In your stories.” The child innocently asked. Padre Fabian laughed.
“Yes, he was. Jesus asked anyone who has no sins to come throw stones at Magdalene. Nobody did, because everyone has sins. Therefore, Jesus told them not to judge other people unless they are pure and free from any sins. From that day on, no one tried to stone Magdalene again.” Padre Fabian said. The child’s very beautiful blue eyes were filled with wonder.
“Tomorrow, I will tell my classmates the story of Magdalene. Maybe they will not laugh at me again.” The child said, and the kind priest smiled.
“That’s a good girl.”

Chapter 1: The Homecoming

New York

Marcus Hall swore as he furiously thumped on his mahogany desk on his home office. He threw down his wireless office telephone and abruptly raked his right hand through his slightly long and graying hair. How could she do this now, of all times?
The door quickly opened and Isidore entered. Isidore is Marcus’ self-patronizing wife, with long blonde hair and hourglass figure maintained by her beauty team – dermatologists, makeup artists, cosmetic surgeons, fashion stylists, massage therapist, yoga and gym instructor and a dietician. Added to that is her own tanning bed that helps maintain her perfect summer tan even during the coldest of winter.
“Marcus honey, what’s wrong?” she asked as she approached her husband. Marcus sat on his leather chair and let his beautiful – if not artificial – wife caress his shoulders. It relieved him of some of his tension. Isidore has always had this magic upon Marcus; he can never let her become upset. During their wedding, Isidore even adopted Queen Anne’s motto: The Most Happy.
“Your daughter called from wherever goddamn hellhole she is now, telling me that she ran off with her NBA player boyfriend, knowing for a fact that her marriage – is in a very crucial stage and in essence, our business!” Marcus said, his tone angry but still, he remained seated. He did not want to topple off Isidore by suddenly standing. Her most recent nose lift cost a considerable amount.
Isidore could not keep her surprise, and when she recovered, her hands shook in her own anger and frustration. Bella surely knows what the repercussions of her action are, and if the successor of Rothschild International Corporation refuses to marry their daughter Bella - which they hope not - their own business, Hall Enterprise, will be ruined. Isidore thought of losing her fashionable life, and she thought of rather dying at this instant than lose whatever luxury she has now.
“Well…we still have 3 weeks to formally introduce Bella to the Rothschilds, so we have time to have her back here to continue with the wedding. All we have to do is to have them married and we’re all set. You know your daughter…you just have to give her a little of her requests and she will follow whatever you want her to do.” Isidore said, her voice as soft as cooing an infant. Marcus exhaled angrily, which surprised Isidore. This must be a tough situation if that technique does not work on his husband.
“I’ve had enough of your daughter’s whims! All she knows is showing off her goods to many men, have one of them for a week, flaunt the jerk on the magazines and after that, it starts again! Bella should know that all her life we’ve given her what she wants and all I ever ask is for her to marry the Rothschild! Why can’t her small airy brain process that? And for your information, your daughter already married the fucking guy!” Marcus lamented, his voice getting hoarse in anger and frustration. Isidore sat on the chair in front of his massive desk, anger boiling on her insides. She did what?!
“Bella’s way of life is not the issue here, Marcus. Instead of ranting on her actions – which I may add, is like you questioning my rearing of her – why don’t you start thinking of a way to fix this problem? Have Bella divorce that man, bring her back here and marry her off to the Rothschild! Surely with our money, we can pull some strings to have the divorce processed as soon as possible.” Isidore said, leaning toward her husband to let him know exactly what she thinks. She was having difficulty reining in her anger just like her husband, but she tried her best to sound sensible. Marcus looked at her in exasperation.
“And do you think the Rothschilds would want a divorcee as a wife to their heir? With all the garbage and scandals about Bella, it was already a miracle they even considered the merging! But this?!” Marcus exclaimed, arms raised in surrender. He stood up and paced the length of his office, unable to keep himself steady. Isidore let her husband pace for a while, an idea forming in her mind. Of course, when she proposes her idea to Marcus, the only choice is to agree with her, or let Hall Enterprise go down to the sewers.
“I have the solution.” Isidore said confidently, her eyes shining with decisiveness. Marcus looked expectantly.
“What solution?”
“Instead of Bella, have Alynna marry the Rothschild.”
Marcus stared at his wife, dumbstruck.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2014 ⏰

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