Bobbie 2.0

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     Bobbie King stood in the doorway, her mother breathing down her neck as she stared in shock. Dante stood on the other side towering over her with a mischievous smile and a bouquet of tacky wildflowers. Bobbie had spoken with her mother about getting a boyfriend, but hes not what she expected. Especially since he was her mothers, best friend's son and had a rather crumby reputation. "Are you ready?" He asked outstretching his hand. Bobbie nodded ignoring the gesture and stepped past him, rolling her eyes as she heard her mother apologizing. Soon her front door shut closed and Dante's car door opened. They both sped off towards downtown in an uncomfortable silence as the light drained from the sky, leaving only the big bright moon. 

Dante parked on the side of a secluded street and got out. Bobbie opened her own door and joined him on the sidewalk. "Where are we going?" She asked. "To get some chow." He smiled turning and walking into a dark alleyway. "Wait!" She grabbed hold of his sleeve as they walked, begrudgingly yet effectively gluing herself to his side. They turned a corner and where suddenly in the midst of a busy restaurant that smelled like yum. 

    Dante pulled her over to a table near the back, next to an exit. "It smells amazing in here" Bobbie gawked as she looked around at the many people engulfing large portions of fragrant food. "Right?" he snickered waving a waiter over. They ordered and exchanged surprisingly entertaining small talk and some time later devoured multiple plates of this and that. Stuffed with goofy smiles on their faces they stood to leave. "Wait what about paying?" Bobbie asked looking at the mountain of plates on the table. "Its on the house." He laughed rushing her out of the building. 

"Hey!" The waiter exclaimed rushing down the street after the two with a bill in her hand. "It was not!" Bobbie hit his shoulder, giggling as they began running towards a bustling crosswalk, easily dissapearing into the crowd. Dante held tight to her hand and smiled down at her. She hadn't noticed how handsome he truly was or how that night had been one of the best nights she'd had in a while.

 They walked until they came across a bridge with oil black water underneath. "Thank you for taking me out tonight Dante. And sorry for being so rude earlier." He shrugged and let go of her hand to lean on the railing and gaze at the glassy river. "Prove it. Jump in." He said wearing the same mischievous smile she met him in. Bobbie stared at the moon letting its light fill her with courage. She looked back at a very surprised Dante and leaped with a yelp. The water soaked her with the realization that this night had taught her to let loose, among some other valuable lessons. In a way she felt baptized and rose from the water a new Bobbie. 

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