Sweet Iced Tea and Gay Marriage

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Lemons and iced tea.

Tell me, do you eat lemons by themselves very often? I know I don’t. They’re sour and they made my face screw up and my lips pucker and they leave an awful after taste. That's only when you eat them alone.

Something that is really good with lemons is sweet tea. Being from the south, this is something I’m very well acquainted with and it’s one of the most refreshing drinks you’ll ever have. If you aren’t from the south and you’ve never sat on the back porch swing with the sun beating down on you with your glass of sweet iced tea in your right hand, then maybe you won’t appreciate this chapter as much.

Anyhow, sweet tea is very good with lemons. It adds flavor and the two compliment each other very well. The difference? Sweet tea is good by itself. Lemons are not.

We are lemons. By ourselves we can’t accomplish anything in life. We are too sour, and we are disgusting on our own because of the way we are on the inside.

God is the sweet tea. He doesn’t really need us, but he wants us. We’ll make a very good combination.

The only thing is, too much lemons spoil the tea. People tend to push themselves onto the faith and take it over. They want to change around what God says to fit what they want to do with their lives. They try to put words in his mouth or ignore him all together. They try to drown out the sweet tea with lemons.

An example of this is gay marriage. This wasn’t something God created.  He created Adam and he created Eve. They were made as man and woman. They were meant to be together.

Scientifically, woman and man are made to be together. A man and a man can’t reproduce. A woman and a woman can’t reproduce. They don't fit together sexually and they don't fit together spiritually. It’s impossible. Only man and woman fit together. Seriously. That’s how it works, it’s how it was meant to be. Does that mean anything to you?

Scripturally man and woman are meant to be together. We read this many places, God makes it quite clear. One place we see it is from Leviticus 20:13,

“If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.”

That’s in the Bible. It’s a sin for a man to be with a man and a woman to be with a woman. God created it to be one way and one way only. In many places in the Bible he describes homosexuality as wicked. There was a city called Sodom in the Bible in which the Lord destroyed because of the homosexuality the people there practiced. He said lust towards the same sex was an error, it was wrong.

This is mans doing. God created man yet man has the guts to change what is written in the Holy Bible. It’s outrageous. Who do we think we are to defy what was scientifically and spiritually made to be? We can’t change that. We can’t make it possible for woman and woman to reproduce without outside measures. We can’t make it right for a child to have two fathers but no mother.

 They say it’s innovation and that it’s another generation. The world is changing and that you're old fasioned if you don't agree with homosexuality. The world is changing, but not for the good. I don’t think it’s innovation I think its stupidity and it’s Satan messing with our heads. You aren’t born Gay, that’s crazy. You are told by society that you are. It’s all in your head.

This is my opinion. I have many scriptural references that will back me up. I’m not saying I hate gay people, because I don’t. I love many people that are gay. I love many people that do drugs. I love many people that have sex outside of marriage.

I think these are all sins and I disagree with them. But I still love these people because I believe people sin and make mistakes and that they should be forgiven and loved all the same.

I respect gay people. I respect that they love one another and I understand that they have a choice. Society tells us that being gay is okay. I’m fine with that. I don’t agree, but I’d rather that than society hating gay people. It’s an awful thing to be forced to love something you cannot love.

But I will still always believe it’s a sin. When man takes the word of God and changes what it says to fit what they want, it’s like taking the Bible and throwing it in the mud. It’s like tearing pages out. It’s insanity and it’s leading us down a really bad road.

I’m not going to throw any other scripture on you about gay marriage, it’s a sensitive subject. But it’s an example of man defying God and how he created them.

If you disagree, be audacious. Don’t pretend you agree. I used to do that to please some of my gay friends, but I don’t anymore. They know where I stand. I don’t preach to them or put them down, I just make sure I don’t say that I agree. God also says that the people who agree with this sin are to blame.

 I know this seems harsh, I thought so too at the beginning. But it’s really true if you think about it. God made us, we didn’t make us. It’s not our business to change how we were made.

That’s all I’m ever going to say about gay marriage. I hate hurting people’s feelings but this is a subject I really struggle inwardly with and I had to get it out.

If you’re gay, I love you. I don’t understand but I don’t have to. It’s your life, God gave you the choice to live it as you please.  

Tying this back to lemons and iced tea. Are we going to let God be the biggest factor in our life, or are we as man going to overpower him and ruin the relationship?

It's just something to think about.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2012 ⏰

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