Important A/N...

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Look I'm sorry for not updating in a long while however if you didn't watch the WNEM5 news you would notice that something happened at Carrollton... Carrollton is the school I had been going to for almost my whole life and on Thursday night (which was the Middle school Valentine's day dance) something just terrible happened and I can't get it out of my mind...

What happened is that my 7th-grade friend Call (Don't want to say any real names here) overheard someone say something about a gun in the gym, after that she came running over to my group (which consisted of kawaii_cat_girl , moonthewolfishappy , Kim, em, and other people, which also I had right next to me was StarrySoul21 ) she came over and told us what happened... After she left my other friends off to the table left of us a couple of my friends in my grade (Shellyfairy and CC and Zan ) and my high school friend (cassidyroselarkin ) came over to us wondering why we couldn't go into the hallway and I told them what had happened... Then all of a sudden my friend (CC) all of a sudden started to freak out and panic... Shellyfairy had StarrySoul21 on her lap trying to calm her down while I was next to cassidyroselarkin trying to tell her what was going on since I received the news first I was also freaking out, however, I just didn't show it on the outside... 

This freaking out ended up to the two of my friends (Call and CC) to leave with a supervisor with them, I think off to the principle... I ended up with StarrySoul21 on my lap trying to make her not cry and to calm down because Shellyfairy and cassidyroselarkin went to go grab our stuff that was in the gym... All of a sudden I just realized that one of my friends (Aud) was missing and the best dress for girls was gonna happen near the end of the night so, I rushed off to the gym by myself trying to look for Aud... 

I found her sitting down on the bleachers waiting for the best dress for girls to start so, I just decide to sit down right next to her to wait for it to start... All of a sudden while we were talking to each other the principal came into the gym to tell everybody to sit down where they were at. Aud and I sat down right next to each other on the floor then, CC came into the gym with call (call went to go sit by her friends by the mat on the other side of the gym because the DJ had the wall by the other set of mats), after she came in cassidyroselarkin , StarrySoul21 , and Shellyfairy came into the gym and sat down by us, Zan came last to come by over to our group... The principal announced that we were going into lockdown and that the police was coming to the school... At this point, everybody started to freak out and get worried luckily we all had our friends shoulders to cry on... I was starting to freak out myself considering that I did not want this to be my last day with my friends and I honestly wanted to cry myself, however, I stayed strong and supported my friends around me... My friends, on the other hand, were not doing so well, CC broke down crying on me and I supported her the best I could, StarrySoul21 started to cry a bit however, Shellyfairy calmed her down and I am glad for that... I went around trying to calm down my friends the best I could considering that if this actually happened and the threat was real I would have had died while doing something helpful towards other people. I went over to the area where my 7th-grade friends were and tried to calm them down one by one. Personally, it just broke my heart seeing so many people that I care about cry right in front of me, scared like I just was at the time...

Luckily, the cops came and the superintendent started to call us one by one down for our parents to get us. I got lucky and my grandma came to pick me up with my best friend, StarrySoul21 leaving right behind me... I gave my hug off to my friend and told her to stay safe because she was freaking out at the time because she was not going to be able to go off to an event that her art teacher wanted her to go to... 

Yesterday though, at Carrollton we had a quick morning meeting and got reported that every student got out of there safe and I was relieved, however, that didn't stop me from going home and having a panic attack and on the verge of breaking down into tears because I got really scared and felt like that was possibly going to be my last day there personally...  

This experience will stay inside of my head and live on in my memories because of how terrifying it was to me... My grandma told me yesterday that if I would have had died there then she would have had gone in there and would have had right next to me... I am personally glad to be alive and I am glad that all of my other friends are alive as well. Honestly, for me, I am never going to one of those events again... If I was to go to one of those events again I would be praying that this situation would have never happened ever again. Everybody who went to the Thursday event was terrified and yesterday, half of the school didn't even show up because they were scared. I was also scared of my friends, my life, and just everybody that was there... Also, I would not have had blamed them for not showing up to school the next day. Especially about what happened in Florida and with our thing happening a day after the event, it just scared me even more.

Just stay safe everyone... I deeply care about each and every person who follows me, who are my friends in real life, and the people that go to Carrollton. I would have had usually called Carrollton my home now since I had been there for a long time which I did until, this event which I was in terrified me to the point where I am not even sure if I can call Carrollton a safe place anymore... Just everyone if you ever in a situation like this, go tell someone about it, then please go comfort others that are crying or just freaking out, until they are all better. Originally the Thursday Night event was supposed to be to 4 pm until 6 pm, however, with the lockdown and everything I did not get home until around 7:02 pm. 

This event will forever stay in my memory and will scare me as long as I just see Carrollton, It's just going to scare me that a threat like that was made at the school that I deeply trust. 

Just to summarize it up: Someone did something terrible at the school, everybody got scared and started to cry thinking that it might be all of our last days, luckily, everybody got out of there safe and sound with nothing happening to them, and Half of the school didn't show up on Friday because they got scared that an event like that was going to happen again or they got sick with the Flu or with a fever. 

Just stay safe everybody and know that I care about each and every one of your guy's life.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2018 ⏰

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